✨Chapter Thirteen✨

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Word Count: 1857 

We went along the paths, and eventually headed down the stairs that lead to Niki's bakery. We stopped in front of her doors, but as soon as we slowed down to a stop, I felt all the adrenaline run out at once. My eyes became heavy, and my balance getting worse.

But I have to stay awake and standing for my team... I need to be awa...-

"TUBBO!" (Y/N)'s voice was all I heard before everything went dark.

Tubbo's P.O.V.

When I woke up again, we were inside the bakery, which was now more situated like a house. (Y/N) sat by my bed, looking out the window, Tommy sitting at the end of my bed, just staring at the wall. 

"Tommy, (Y/N)..." I mumbled, sitting up, but (Y/N) pushes me back down gently. "What happened?" I asked, making eye contact with (Y/N)

"You were stabbed." (Y/N) looked away.

"I think he knows that."

"What happened while I was passed out?" I asked, clearer this time.

"Nothing much, Niki healed all of us with a splash healing potion, but that can only do so much." She looked back to me. "Don't move too much, or too harshly, we don't want your wound to open again."

"Dream came by," Tommy spoke up, making us both look to him. "We're gonna go for a second negotiation at noon tomorrow."

"Oh god... How long was I passed out for?"

"About a day or two." (Y/N) responded, voice void of emotion. I found that in Tommy too. 

"Exact opposite from us... haha..." Tommy laughed nervously, scratching at the back of his head. 

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head a little, confused.

"Well you see... We have barely gotten any sleep... maybe an hour or two? But that's about it."

"Yeah..." Tommy nodded a little, eyes falling to the floor. 

"Please go to sleep." 

"Wish I could." (Y/N) Deadpanned back, eyes drifting to the wall that Tommy was previously staring at. 

"Are you two ok?" I realized how fucking stupid that question was. "I- I mean mentally?" Yeah, that's equally as stupid.

"Psh- yeah I'm perfectly fine." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"I realized that was a stupid question, no need to rub it in." I sighed.

"No no, he's just joking, thank's for the concern." (Y/N) interjected, pushing Tommy away playfully. "shut up, bitch boy."

"Oh really? Bitch boy?"

"Past life reference." She rolled her eyes and sat on the bed, laying on it sideways at the end of it, smacking at Tommy's arm, which caused him to smack back. 

"Can you guys... just lay with me for a while?" I asked, making them look at me. They both gave me a wide smile, and both got up from where they were, telling me to scooch over. 

Third Person P.O.V.

After a while, all three of the kids fell asleep, sleeping soundly in the small room. The double/full bed was barely big enough for the three of them, with (Y/N) and Tommy almost falling off, and Tubbo being semi-squished in the middle. 

Niki knocked on the door quietly a few minutes after they fell asleep, wondering what the commotion was about, with Wilbur close on her tail. She opened the door after a few seconds to see the three sleeping. She gave a soft smile as she looked up to Wilbur, who also peeked in. She smiled even wider as she saw the fondness in his eyes. She quietly closed the door, walking back to the main area of the bakery that is now more situated for living in over the past day or two.

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