✨Chapter Nine✨

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Word Count: 1475

"So. You guys will attack tomorrow, at dawn, if there's no white flag?" Wilbur's voice stayed calm and collected, whilst his, and our emotions were the opposite. Dream was more powerful, his pvp skills were higher than ours, he had more possessions, and all we had was more people. 

"That's exactly it." George pulled the blond away from us, telling him to calm down. "We will attack with zero hesitation and as he said, no mercy." George's tone was weirdly bright, and somewhat friendly.

"Got it. See you tomorrow." Wilbur gave them a nod before turning away, Tommy and I followed suit, walking back to L'Manburg.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up the next day with thirty minutes of sleep. And I woke up at a good five am. Great fucking start to a day of war. I sat up from my bed to feel a sight crinkling under me. I stood up and looked to my bed to see a piece of paper on it. I picked the paper up, the sheet seemed old and worn out. I carefully unfolded it to see lines of text. I sat back down as I began to read.

This isn't a dream, (Y/N).

This is real. You are trapped with streamers in real life Minecraft. You and the rest of the people here can get out of here under one condition.

No one dies in the war. You have watched the videos of the Dream SMP war before, and I'm sure you can prevent Tommy's death in the end, I'm sure you can prevent any accidental deaths that comes by, I'm sure you can protect even your sworn enemies that work against your contry.

Good luck.

My hands shook as I held the paper. Tommy had to live. Dream had to live. Everyone had to live. But this was so much more threatening. This was on the line of if you can get out of here or not. This put everything on the line. I knew that death was a thing here, and no respawns were allowed. But now... I figured that if we die here, we die in real life.


"(Y/N)?" Tubbo's voice rang into the small room that I slept in. My head jerked up to see his face in my doorway. "Can't sleep?" He gave me a sheepish smile. I smiled back.

"No... I see that you can't either." I observed softly, making that I don't wake anyone up. From the thin walls, I could hear Tommy's soft snoring and shuffling from someone else.

"Nope." Tubbo chuckled. "Too nervous."

"Understandable, it's a war after all." I looked down to my hands. "We could die tomorrow."

"Mhm... Thinking that... This could be the last night scares me." Tubbo's voice shook, and I looked up to where he was. I stood up and walked to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Tubbo..." The words that I wanted to tell him was caught in my throat. The words I wanted to use to comfort him wasn't coming out. I wanted to tell him it would be alright and I will do whatever it takes to protect him, but the words wouldn't come out. I held him tightly as he shook in my arms, silently sobbing.

After what was about ten minutes of him sobbing softly into my shoulder, and me crying silently with him too, we sat on my bed as we just waited for sunrise, with nothing much to do. Dawn, according to Wilbur, was 7:00AM. It was currently around 5:50AM, we've been sitting here for about thirty minutes, just chatting about light hearted things, like Tubbo's bees, how Tommy can be so stupid sometimes, me exposing that Wilbur can actually sing, ect. 

"Where's Eret?" Tubbo asked me as some footsteps were heard.

"I- how am I supposed to know?" I asked back and he shrugged.

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