✨Chapter Nineteen/Finale✨

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Word Count: 1605

(A/N: (M/U)=Minecraft username)

TommyInnit an hour ago
yo I had the weirdest dream, I was friends with a woman. And the SMP was like- real life- and the woman almost died. Pog.

❤️30k 🔄2k

Well that's strange... Seems like what happened in my drea-

I clicked onto the notifications.

TommyInnit followed you
TubboLive followed you

Holy shit.

Tommy's P.O.V.

I woke up, looking to my clock. I had such a weird dream, it was so fucking weird, I had experienced the Dream SMP war all over again, but in real life. There was this girl... (Y/N).

"Listen, you don't know what twitter is right now, but you will in ten minutes. But, my twitter username is @(y/u), please remember that."


I walked to my PC, starting it up.

"@(Y/U)..." I muttered as I typed the user name in. "She's a streamer..." I clicked follow, and smiled. it was such a weird coincidence that that's an actual username... and she was a streamer too. Had I known her before?

'yo I had the weirdest dream, I was friends with a woman. And the SMP was like- real life- and the woman almost died. Pog.' I typed, posting the tweet. I shifted in my chair, and felt a piece of paper crinkle in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw the neat handwriting of the girl that was in my dream... But... Now I'm really questioning if it's a dream.

'(Y/U)#0000' the paper wrote. I paused, staring at the paper. Before I added her though, I sent Tubbo a message.

Tommy: TUBBO
Tubbo: TOMMY
Tommy: uh- you go first
Tubbo: okok, do you know of a (Y/N)? (Y/U) on twitter.
Tommy: (Y/U)#0000 on Discord?

I groaned, sitting back in my chair. Tubbo had gotten the dream too. But was it really a dream? I looked back to my computer to see another DM, this time from Wilbur.

Wilbur: Tommy, do you know who (Y/U)#0000 is? Please tell me I'm not tripping-
Tommy: Tubbo and I both have the slip too! Did you get the- well I'm really doubting it now, but did you get the dream too?
Wilbur: yeah! Do you think Niki, Fundy, even Dream, Sapnap and George had the dream too?
Tommy: I don't think it's a dream... Add (Y/N), and her twitter is (Y/U)
Wilbur: got it

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I turn to my Discord. If this really wasn't a dream... They would have the note.

Incoming friend request

Incoming friend request

Wilbur soot
Incoming friend request

What. The. Fuck.

I accepted them all nervously, immediately, Tommy gave me a DM.

Tommy: (Y/N)- OK I- HELLO.
(Y/N): Tommy ;-;
Tommy: so... Did you get the same 'dream'?

I sat back in my chair, astounded.

(Y/N): So it wasn't just me...
Tommy: Yeah, Tubbo and Wil just DMed me about it too...
(Y/N): So, what are we gonna do with this information?
Tommy: Wil's making a gc of everyone that was in that 'dream', give him a sec.
(Y/N): It really wasn't a dream, wonder what it was tho...
Tommy: Who the fuck knows... Anyways, we're all alive :)

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