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??? pov
???:Did you get the papers??
Guard:yes ma'am
???: let's go then
Head guard: Lets go!

Big hit entertainment
Taehyung's Pov
Don't know why they want us in ceo's office at this hour..i saw all the boys..
Jimin:Hey what's the matter
Rm: let's go find ourselves then..

we went in and saw our manager and sir on the floor on their knees..wait what the fuck is happening 🙄

Me: what's happening here
???:stay away kid(kid uuh?)

then i saw a feminine figure..her back is facing me.. she is not that tall but i can say she is tall enough..she in a official suit..with open wavy hip length hair .. she is looking like a goddess from the back...she has perfect curves..ugh i want to see her face..then i saw cigarette in her hand..Is she smoking??yes she is!!..

Bang pd: what  you want ma'am
???:you don't know(her voice is so soft and sensual)
Bang pd:I'll pay the debt ma'am..
???: don't you know the contract hmm??
Bang pd:just give me some time miss
???2:call her ma'am or highness or else I'll blow you head(this guy is looks like a guard i guess..ugh confusing)
???:ahh max don't be so rude.
Max: yes ma'am!(Bows)

RM: what's happening here..plz explain.. manager plz stand up.. I'm calling the cops..(Glares at her)
But her back is facing us..

(Glares at her)But her back is facing us

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???:Go ahead mr. Call the cops..and lets see who is in charge..
Rm(on the phone) :hello can you plz come to big hit is a girl  with alot of guard looking guys i don't know who are they but they are bulling our manager and CEO..can you plz come and kick them out..plz clr this scene..
End the calls
Tae in thoughts:rm hyung is intelligent 🙂

RM:cops are coming..wait and watch
???:lets wait and watch!!mr.. intelligent...
End of tae's Pov

Few mins later

Cops barge in the office

Cop: what's happening here..(a/n why I'm like this:) bck to the stry lol)

Thn the lady turns and look at the cop
A smile appeared on her face..
???:long time no see
Cop(looking down):what brings you here highness!?
???:Nothing just shit (Smirks)


To be continued

Srry for the grammatical mistakes..this is my first ever fiction..plz show some love to this fiction..and you'll know who is she😏

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