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You and Shoto lay on the bed in the same cuddling position as last time. "How have you been Bunny?"

"I've been okay, pretty tired though." Shoto sets his chin on top of your head, one of his hands softly rubbing over your stomach.

"Do you want to sleep for a while? I don't have work tomorrow so I can stay for a long time. "

"If you're okay with it. I'll stay here long after I wake up too."

"I'm fine with it. Just sleep, I'll be here.

As you're sleeping, you turn over onto the other side giving Shoto the chance to take in the features he can. He looks at your beautiful tidy thick h/c hair, luscious pink lips that are a mix of thin and your petite body frame. As he's looking at you he realizes you remind him of someone, but he's unable to figure out who. He shakes off the thought and pulls your body closer to his, playing with your hair as you sleep, eventually falling asleep himself.

It's almost eight in the morning when you wake up, Shoto asleep beside you. You decide to just lay there and text Mina until he wakes up.

Are you awake?

Yeah, I'm awake, Very sleepy though.

Did you not get any sleep last night?

I got a few hours, but I was texting Eijiro for hours before I did.

Ooh, someone's got a crush!! ;)

Honestly.... Yeah. He's just so nice and his hair is so nice, especially when it's down!

As long as he doesn't hurt you, he's allowed to date you.

Lmao, I'll let him know you said that.

Good. Now I think Shoto is waking up, ttyl! Love you.

Okay, ttyl! Love you, too. <3


You look at Shoto as he wakes up, "Good morning, Princess."

"Mmm. What time is it?"

"Well, right now it's about eight twenty-five in the morning. Why?"

"Just wondering." He sits up and stretches, falling back onto the pillows after. "Is there a way to get free breakfast from this place, or is that not an option?"

"They can, I just have to call and ask for it."

"Are you okay with eating breakfast here?"

"Yeah, I'm lazy and I think Kitty is going to hang out with her new friend today anyways."

He sits up against the headboard. "Alright. I'm good with that."

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?" You turn the other way and sit Indian style with the dial part in your lap and the phone in your hand.

"Do you have cold Soba?"

You laugh. "Yeah we do, but is that really considered breakfast?"

"Maybe not to most people, but I like it." He shrugs his shoulders as you start dialing the number for staff to bring you food. You ask for a cold Soba and some f/f. Maybe that makes you a hypocrite for asking if Soba was considered breakfast, but oh well. It's good and you like it.

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now