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"Mina, I'm home!" you yell as you close the door behind you. You walk into the living to see Mina sitting on the couch staring at something on the table. You walk closer and look at what's on the table. You drop your bag on the floor and quickly sit beside her as you see what's on the table. It's a pregnancy test.

When you look at her there are tears pouring out of her eyes. "I-It's positive," Mina says quietly.

"Oh my god! That's great!" you say, feeling happy for your friend. "Why are you crying though..."

Mina looks down at the floor, "W-what if Eijiro doesn't want it or what if he leaves me because of it? What if I'm not ready to be a mom? I'm scared..."

You grab Mina's chin to make her look at you, "Mina, listen. Eijiro loves you, he wouldn't leave you like that and if he did, I'd hunt his ass down and he'd have a good talking to. Second of all, no one is ever sure they're ready to be a mom, but you are one of the most amazing people I've ever known. If you put up with me and took care of me for the past 8 years, I know you can take care of a baby." You smile and pull her in for a hug, "Plus I'm always here for you if you need me, so it's fine to be scared."

Mina pulls away from the hug and says, "Thank you, y/n. I needed that. I'll have to figure out a way to tell Eijiro about it... maybe if I just show him the test?"

"That would be a great way to do it. It doesn't take any words and you don't have to try to explain."

"Okay, I guess it's a plan then." Mina takes a deep breath, thinking about everything before opening her eyes with a temporarily cleared mind. "So, why were you gone last night and almost all of today?"

You pick at your nails as your face heats up, turning bright red. "Uhm, so... You know how Shoto and I have been getting closer over time?"


"Well, yesterday at the club he kinda found out I was Bunny, and he was there to talk to Bunny about his feelings towards me. He wouldn't tell me at first what he was going to talk about, but this morning I got him to and I also ended up telling him some things, which led to a heated makeout session and cuddles for a long time." You pause and look up at Mina who has an 'I told you so' look on her face.

You look back down at your fingers and continue, "After that he took me to his house so I could change back into my regular clothes and we went out for a late lunch. Afterward, he took me home and here I am. Oh, and he said he's taking me out on a date Sunday and I wasn't allowed to say no."

"Oh. My. God. I KNEW IT! YOU GUYS BELONG TOGETHER!" She exclaims. "This is amazing! How did you guys confess? Like explain it to me!"

You laugh and explain everything that happened the night before and this morning. Starting from when he found out who you were, all the way to before leaving for lunch. Mina fangirls throughout the whole thing, happy her friend finally found someone to love.

Mina's always worried about you since your mom had died. She's always been there to help and take care of you, but you're both finally going somewhere in life. She is pregnant, you have a love interest, it just makes her feel better about everything in a way.

Mina considers you a sister, someone she never wants to let leave her, She's glad that you have Shoto since she's starting a family. You have someone to watch out for you and take care of you now and she couldn't be happier.

After you explain everything to her, you eat dinner. As you practice for the strip club, Mina decides she's going to talk to Eijiro. She texts him to let him know she's coming over, turns her phone off, and heads out of the house hoping everything will go well.


Mina knocks on the door and Eijiro opens it. He smiles when he sees her and says, "Hey baby, I missed you."

"I missed you too!" Mina walks in the door, Eijiro closing it behind her. She walks over and sits down on the couch. Eijiro sits beside her and Mina looks down at the couch. "I-I need to tell you something.... Well more like show, but w-whatever."

Eijiro sets his hand on Mina's, "Is something wrong? No one hurt you did they??"

"No, no... nothing like that. Just take a deep breath real quick before I show you this."

Although Eijiro is confused, he takes a deep breath for Mina anyway. He slowly breathes in and slowly breathes out. "Okay, I'm ready for whatever it is."

"Close your eyes, please," Mina says softly.

Eijiro nods and closes his eyes. Mina grabs the box out of her bag and slowly takes the positive test out of it. She opens his hand and sets it on the palm of it.

She nervously says, "O-open your eyes now."

Eijiro opens his eyes and looks at the thing in the palm of his hand. "W-what is this?"

"It's positive... and it's a-"

"A pregnancy test?" Eijiro asks, cutting Mina off. .


"I-I'm going to be a dad?! Oh my god... I'm going to be a fucking dad!" Eijiro sets the test aside and moves in closer to Mina. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer. "I'm so fucking happy... I know we haven't been together for too long, but this is amazing news. I love you so much."

Mina can feel tears build up in her eyes as she hugs Eijiro, "I love you, too. I was so scared when I found out."

"I'm always here for you baby. We can do this and we'll be the best parents ever. I'm pretty sure y

will love to spoil the kid with candy too."

Mina laughs, "That's so true... "

"Let's go eat something for dinner and then we can make an appointment to see how far along you are."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."

They stop hugging and Eijiro pecks Mina on the lips. Mina then goes to the kitchen and starts on dinner while Eijiro calls the clinic and makes an appointment. He knows they haven't been together too long, but he wants to take care of her. He loves Mina with all his heart and will always be there for her.

Eijiro's so happy he's starting a family even though it's a little early in the relationship, but the relationship can always strengthen over time. All Eijiro knows is he wants to love Mina with all his heart and start this family with her.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I hope you enjoyed the KiriMina fluff 👉👈 it was fun to include in the story hehe

Any Thoughts?

~Aizaten ♥♥♥

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