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"Shoto! Are you ready?" You yell across the house.

"I'm coming, hold on!" Shoto yells back.

"I'll be in the car!" You yell as you open the door.


While you're going to the car, Shoto is pacing back and forth upstairs as he finishes getting ready. He's nervous to meet Shota and Hizashi officially. Shoto takes a deep breath. He grabs his phone and walks downstairs. He opens the front door and closes it, heading to the car where you are waiting for him as you scroll through your phone.

Shoto gets in and you look at him, noticing how nervous he is. You lean over the seat and put a finger under his chin, making him look at you. You put your forehead against his and say, "Stop stressing so much, Shota already knows you are respectful and responsible. He's going to like you and Hizashi likes literally everyone."

Shoto closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, "I know. I'm just anxious and never really met anyone's parents before, so it stresses me out."

"I'm right here with you and I'm one-hundred-percent sure they will like you. Now let's get going. We don't want to be late."

Shoto kisses you on the lips before pulling away and starting the car, "Okay."

Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Shota and Hizashi are talking about what they do know of Shoto so far. Hizashi has never directly spoken to Shoto, but he has seen him a few times at the club.

Shota on the other hand has spoken to Shoto. He thinks Shoto is a respectful and responsible young man, but he also doesn't want to let his guard down just because of that. Shota sees you as a daughter to him and he would hate to see you hurt, especially when you've already had so much happen in your life.

Shota's been one of the few people in your life that you let in. You had lived with Mina's family for a few years, but you never grew close to her father in any way. Shota on the other hand took a liking to you both pretty quickly and you took a liking to both him and Hizashi.

Shota has been there for you through so many things. Multiple nights when you've had nightmares, you used to run to Shota for comfort and he always helped you. Some nights he and Hizashi would let you sleep in the bed with them. Although it was awkward, it was the only way to get sleep some nights when Mina was out working a different job before becoming a stripper.

As Shota and Hizashi are talking, they notice you walking in while holding Shoto's hand. You slide into the inside of the booth while Shoto sits on the outside.

Shoto introduces himself first, "Hello, I'm Shoto. Nice to meet you."

Shota and Hizashi shake hands with Shoto and introduces themselves, "Nice to officially meet you, I'm Shota."

"Nice to meet you Shoto! I'm Hizashi!" Hizashi says being loud as always.

A waiter walks over and asks you all what you would like to drink. Shoto and you order a Pepsi, Shota orders a Diet Coke, and Hizasih orders a Mountain Dew. The waiter leaves to grab our drinks as we start a small conversation.

As you're sitting there Shoto grabs your hand under the table. "You guys should come to see Sho one day," you say.

Shota tilts his head and looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed out of confusion. "Sho?"

You nod and smile, "Yeah, our cat. I guess I forgot to mention it..."

Hizashi's eyes widen as he looks at his husband whose eyes look as if they're sparkling. Shota turns to look at Hizashi, "You remember that day you said that I could get a cat if y/n ever got a pet?"

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now