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"I said... I found out I have a son." Shota repeats.

You step closer to him, "W-wait I thought you w-were gay though... When- why- what???"

"Sit down on my desk and I'll explain."

You and Mina sit on the edge of his desk. Shota rubs his face with both of his hands before taking a deep breath. "So, when I was a teenager I was still trying to figure out my sexuality and me and a woman had sex. She moved away not long after and I'm guessing she was pregnant when she moved. She never told me about him. He called me the other day telling me his mother passed away. He said that she told him my name before she passed away since he had always wanted to meet his father. So, in a few days, he's coming to the club and I'm going to meet him."

Mina is the first to speak. "What's his name?"

"Hitoshi Shinso"

You and Mina look at each other and speak at the same time again"You don't think it's- Could it-"

Shota, being confused, asks "Don't think it's what?"

You laugh and say, "I think we know who your son is..."


"Well, One day we went over to a friend's house, who is your son's boyfriend and hung out for a bit with them and a few others."

Shota looks down "Oh..." He looks back up at you with a skeptical look "Wait- Boyfriend?"

"Yep. You both have something in common... You both like loud blonde's" You and Mina start snickering. Shota just sits there with a confused look on his face. "Anyways, we're going to get to work... See you later Shota!! You should ask him to bring his boyfriend with him. I bet him and Hizashi would get along great." You and Mina head for the door.

As you're about to walk out Mina adds, "His boyfriend's name is Denki by the way!"

You start laughing as you walk down the hall. On your way to the stage, you bump into Hizashi. "Hey Hizashi!"

"Hey Kiddos!" He holds his hands up for high fives. You jump for yours because you're short and Mina just slaps his hand easily.

Mina laughs at you and you pout. As Hizashi starts walking away you stop him, "Hey Hizashi, I think you should talk to Shota. I don't know if he's told you yet, but there's a chance you'll meet another loud blonde and another Shota with purple hair."

He furrowed his eyebrows and started walking to Shota's office instead of where he was going before. You and Mina giggle as you go to get on stage.


"Baby!!! Who are we going to meet?" Denki whines as Hitoshi drives.

Hitoshi sighs, "I told you it's a surprise."

Denki glares at Hitoshi, "You know exactly how I am with surprises."

"Yes, I know. You will be fine waiting, we're almost there anyway."

Letting out a defeated sigh Denki replies, "Fine, I give up for now."

"Good. We're here now anyway."

They both get out of the car and look up at the place. Denki looks over at Shinso with a questioning look, "A strip club? And not even a gay one?"

Hitoshi chuckles, "Yep. The people we're meeting own the place. Now come on."

"Okay, okay." Denki catches up to Hitoshi and clasps their hands together.

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now