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Shoto drove to town, stopping at the parking lot in front of multiple stores. "Do you have a bandana of some sort?" You ask him. Shoto looks at you like you're crazy. "Why are you looking at me like I'm going to kidnap you?"

"Because why would you need a bandana?"

"It will make the surprise better, I swear I'm not trying to kidnap you or anything. I wouldn't be able to take you down even if I tried."

He sighed, "I suppose that is true." He opens the center console and pulls out a red bandana.

"Wow, I'm shocked you have one... Wait, Why do you have a bandana in your car?"

"In case there was ever a mess that I needed to clean up, but I guess today it's for another reason." He hands you the bandana.

"That makes sense I guess." You both get out of the car and step onto the sidewalk. "Can you lean down so I can reach? I'm a little too short.."

Shoto holds back a laugh as he leans down, letting you put the bandana over his eyes. You grab hold of his hands, his grip a little strong. You squeeze his hand as a way of reassurance as you walk towards the cat cafe. You led him into the cafe as you opened the door. You paid access for both of you and continued pulling him along. As you went into another room filled with cats you let go of one of his hands. "Lean down so I can take the bandana off."

Shoto did as you asked, loosening his grip on your hand as he was able to see the light now. You set the bandana in your pocketbook and watched as he looked at all of the cats. "So?"

"A cat cafe?"

"Yep! Do you like it? I was hoping it would be a stress reliever in a way by petting cats" You giggled after saying this because now that you think about it it seems kind of stupid.

"Thank you, y/n. I love this." He lets go of your hand as he pulls you into a hug.

It surprises you at first, but you hug back. "You're welcome. I've been here twice and there is a cat I would like for you to see."

You look for the white cat with the turquoise and brownish-grayish eyes. When you spot it you walk over to it, Shoto following close behind. You pick him up, earning you a little 'meow' from the creature. "Let's sit down real quick."

Shoto nods as you both sit down on the blankets on the floor. Once you're comfortable you show Shoto the cat, "So, the last time I came here I saw this cat and it reminded me of you because of its eyes. I don't know his actual name, but I decided I would call him Sho." You hand Shoto the cat as he looks at it.

"He's adorable... So his eyes reminded you of me?"

"Yep! They are the same color and very pretty." You respond as another cat walks up to you. You giggle and pick it up, petting its back.

A little blush starts appearing on Shoto's face as he pets Sho. "Thank you... for bringing me here."

"It's no biggie. I'm glad you like it here. I also think Sho likes you being here" You giggle as Sho purrs against Shoto's hand.

Shoto smiles as he pets Sho, laughing at the purrs.

You look up at him as you pet another cat. "Guess I should bring you here often. You seem to smile more when you're in a relaxed environment. Didn't think you had such a soft spot for cats"

"I wouldn't mind coming here more often. It's very comforting and I've always had a soft spot for cats. When I was younger we had a cat but my father sold him claiming that it only distracted me. I've thought about adopting one, but I'm not home enough to take care of it." His smile falls a little as he talks.

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now