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You come up behind Shoto and whisper "Relax Shoto. Don't be so Stiff. Try and enjoy this." Although Shoto Automatically relaxes, spreading his legs slightly and setting his arms off to the side a little. He remembers Bunny having said the same thing on that one morning. He shakes the thought off as the music starts and he sees you crawling towards him on all fours.

You had picked a longer song than the others even though yours is more upbeat. Shoto was leaning forward by the time you got to him. You put your arms on his shoulders and slowly trailed your hands down his torso. When your hands trailed back up they unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his perfectly toned abs while doing so. While your hands were trailing up and down his chest, Shoto's hands were lingering on your arms.

As you trailed back up one last time, you got off your knees and stood straight up, making sure to move your hips as you do. As you were standing up, Shoto's hands fell back in his lap. You grabbed one of his hands and set it on your hip as you started rolling your whole body until the beat dropped.

As soon as the beat dropped you held both his arms over his head and leaned all the way against him, your ass in the air a little. You rolled your whole body onto him while keeping his arms in the air. Shoto watches your body as it rolls, noticing every curve. His face goes red as he realizes what a pervert he's being and mentally slaps himself.

As soon as the beat picks back up you get up as you roll once more. You walk behind Shoto and wrap your arms around his neck. You slowly slither your hands down his torso and back up, feeling each bump of his abs. Once your back to his head, you lean his head back to where he can see you and walk around him.

You're back in front of him when you drag a hand down his leg starting from his thigh. He gasps quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. You smirk and raise an eyebrow at his reaction as you continue. Once you reach the end of his leg you turn around and roll your body as you back up towards his lap.

After you are on his lap you start shaking your ass in an up-down motion, starting out slow. Noticing Shoto's hands hesitantly touching your hips, you grab hold of them and set them on your hips. He starts moving his hands as you speed up, his hands wandering to your stomach and thighs. You smile to yourself as you can tell he's feeling more laid back about it.

As soon as the song is almost over you stop and slowly roll your body until you're standing up completely. You roll your hips to the right until you've turned and are facing him again. As the rhythm of the song slows you put your arms up in the air and slowly bring them down on your body, feeling yourself all over.

Shoto watches as you move your body, biting his bottom lip as he watches you show off your figure. He doesn't understand how he never realized what an amazing body his assistant had until now.

As the final beat of the song hits, your arms are in an x form on your chest, your head turned towards Shoto, and an eyebrow raised at him with a smirk on your face. Shoto is staring straight into your beautiful e/c eyes with his mouth in a slight o-shape. You giggle as you stand normally and pull Shoto back down in your spots, his shirt still unbuttoned.

As you finally look up at everyone else, all of their jaws are dropped with the exception of Mina. You had practiced with Mina multiple times since the lap dance you had given Shoto as Bunny. Mina finally breaks the awkward silence and says, "So, that was AMAZING!"

You can't help but smile as you reply, "Why thank you."

"Oh, you are very very welcome" She laughs as she gets up and removes the chair out of the middle of the circle. "Shoto, you looked like you enjoyed it too."

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now