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The way I feel when I'm around her. I don't understand it. She makes me feel good, but I don't know what these other feelings are.

When she's around she makes my heart speed up and I feel nervous. Being nervous is not something that happens to me. I don't know what these feelings are or how to stop them, or even if I want them to stop...

I'm pacing around my room trying to figure things out. Y/n is going to be here in twenty minutes with Sho and I don't know how much longer I can keep calm. I want to talk to her about how I feel, but I don't know what to say. What if she doesn't know what the feelings are or she does and she hates me for it. I'm her boss for god's sake.

I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is messed up, the skin around my eyes are dark as if I haven't slept in days, which I technically haven't. I feel like I'm going to go crazy if I don't get some sleep. I've tried and tried, but the most I've gotten is a ten-minute nap.

I don't know why I can't sleep. It's never been a problem for me before. I realize I'm wasting time as I look at myself in the mirror, so I take a quick cold shower to wake me up better.

Once I'm done I have ten minutes left. I didn't even think I was in there that long. I rush to put on some jeans and a t-shirt. Instead of brushing my hair, I just put pieces in the correct places and fluff it a little bit with my fingers. As soon as I'm done I look at myself in the mirror again. I still look like I haven't had much sleep, but hopefully, she won't notice.

As soon as I am on my way downstairs I hear the doorbell ring, knowing it's y/n I rush down the rest of the way and open the door. When I open the door she's standing there in some skinny jeans and a red crop top. I noticed I was staring a little too much, "Sorry, uh come in. I should just give you a key, you come over almost every morning anyways."

Y/n chuckles as she walks inside, "I wouldn't mind having a key. As long as I never walk in on something I shouldn't..."

I didn't know what she meant at first as I closed the door, but then it hit me. "Oh, no-no-no. Nothing like that. You don't have to worry about anything like that."

She walks over and sits on the couch, setting Sho down beside her. "Calm down Shoto, I was kidding."

I let out a breath I was unknowingly holding and picked up Sho. I sat down beside y/n and turned on the TV. We decided to watch f/m, y/n's favorite. She sits beside me on the couch with Sho in her lap. In the middle of the movie, I glance over at y/n and she's fast asleep. I grab Sho out of her lap and cover her up with a blanket. I set Sho down beside her and go to make some Soba for when she wakes up.

As I'm about to put the Soba in dishes I hear a loud scream from the living room. I set the plates down on the counter and rushed in there. I see y/n sitting there, shaking, with tears spilling out of her eyes. I sit down beside her and pull her into a hug. Not knowing what to do or say I just sit there with her in my arms.

I've never had to take care of someone like this. It scares me because I don't know how to make her feel better, but I'm hoping this is doing a little bit.

She cries into my shirt and I sit there rubbing her back as I hold her. By the time she's done my shirt is soaked, but I don't care I can just change shirts. It's a few more minutes before she stops crying. As y/n leans back from the hug a little I say, "Are you okay?" It's probably stupid to say, but comforting is not something I know how to do.

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now