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It's the next morning when Mina decides to check on you. She remembers seeing which room Shoto had taken you in, so she slowly opens the door making sure to be quiet. When she peeks in she sees you and Shoto cuddled up to each other. Mina quietly closes the doors and rushes back to the bedroom to squeal to Eijiro about it.

Mina runs in the room and jumps onto the bed beside the red-head "Eijiro!! They're cuddling!!"


"y/n and Shoto!!! It's so cute!"

"Did he not go to a separate room?"

"Apparently not! It's so cute. They better end up together" Mina curls up beside her boyfriend and leans against his chest.

"If they belong together, they will end up together. Just, no interfering unless y/n asks."

Mina giggles and nuzzles into his chest a little more. "Okay, fine. I'll be good."

"Good girl. I love you pebble." Eijiro kisses Mina's head.

"I love you too, baby." Mina pecks him on the lips and gets comfy again, both of them laying there talking for a bit.


Hitoshi wakes up with his boyfriend laying on his chest. He lays there on his phone until he notices him moving, "Good morning baby."

Denki looks up at his boyfriend, his chin laying on Hitoshi's chest. "Mmm"

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, I don't think I'll be able to walk if that counts. You went pretty hard at it last night."

Hitoshi chuckles, "I'm sorry. I can carry you to the bathtub if you want and we can take a nice morning bath."

"Please do."

Hitoshi kisses Denki on the cheek and gets off the bed."Okay, you'll stay here and I'll get the water ready."

"Okay!" Denki stays cuddled up in bed until his boyfriend comes to carry him.

The water is ready and Hitoshi goes to get Denki off the bed. He picks him up bridal style and sets him in the bathtub. He then steps in after him and leans against him for a while, enjoying the happy sensation he feels when he's with Denki. "I love you, Denki."

Denki kisses the top of Hitoshi's head, "I love you too, Sunshine."


Izuku wakes up with Katsuki in his arms, still fast asleep. Most people would think that Izuku is the baby of the relationship, but it's the total opposite. Izuku is the one that takes care of Katsuki more. He's even usually the top, other than a few occurrences where Katsuki wanted to be dominant.

Izuku takes in the soft appearance of his boyfriend as he sleeps, his blonde hair over his eyes a little. He snaps a few pictures of Katsuki as he sleeps, knowing that he could never get these any other time.

When Izuku looks at the last picture he notices Katsuki's eyes are open and looking at him. He moves his phone behind him, "Uh, good morning babe..."

"Mmm. Were you taking pictures of me while I was sleeping?"


"Can I see them?"

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now