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Today's the day that Mr. Todoroki is coming to visit the office. It's a day you dread because you have to be friendly towards him and Shoto gets grouchy. You walk into the office with two tea's for Shoto, knowing that he will have one gone quicker than usual. You've only been here for a bit over three months, but within those three months, Mr. Todoroki has visited multiple times.

The first time he came was a few days after you got there. You didn't notice the ways that Shoto was acting though since you weren't entirely used to him yet.

The second time you noticed he had seemed more stressed but made sure he was put together well before seeing his father. He stood straighter with his shoulders back, made sure his clothes were as neat as possible, not a single hair out of place and his mood had deteriorated greatly.

The third time is when you had started bringing him tea in the mornings. You made sure to ask the day before what kind of tea he likes, he responded with "Sweet tea with a pinch of honey. Why do you ask?"

You had responded with. "Well, I notice your mood deteriorates each time Mr. Todoroki visits, and I would like to help you out in any way."

After that day, you decided to bring him tea daily instead. It never did too much, but it's better than not helping at all.

Once you got to the office you noticed Shoto was already at his desk, typing away on his computer. You set your stuff down and took his drinks over to his desk, "Here's your tea, Shoto."

"Thank you, y/n."

"You're welcome." You start to walk away but then remember you were going to ask him a question. You turn around and walk back to his desk. "Sir, do you have any plans tomorrow?"

Shoto looks away from his computer and looks at you, "Not that I know of, why do you ask?"

"I was wondering if I could take you somewhere, to relieve stress."

He thinks about it for a moment before responding. "Sure. I'd be okay with that. Is there a certain time you have in mind?"

"I was thinking sometime around lunch, eleven-thirty maybe. We could go to the cafe, eat lunch and then I'd take you somewhere I think you'd like"

"It's a plan then. Do you want me to pick you up so you don't have to walk?"

"If you don't mind."

"Okay. I will be there around eleven-thirty tomorrow then. Can I have your number in case I may run a little late?"

"Of course." You walk over to your desk and grab your phone bringing it over to him.

You give him your phone, he puts your number in his and his number in yours. When he gives the phone back to you, you set his name as "My IcyHot Boss" and put your phone in your pocket. You walk back over to your desk and get started on work as Shoto does the same.

It's about an hour later when Mr. Todoroki walks in the door, you notice Shoto stiffening as soon as he walks in.

He stops by your desk first. "Good morning Ms. l/n. How are you doing this morning."

You stand up to greet him. "Good morning Mr. Todoroki. I am doing fine, sir. How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty good, thank you for asking. Has Shoto been going home at a decent time?"

You nod. "Yes, sir. I've been making sure he gets off work at eight o'clock daily."

"Good. Thank you for keeping an eye on him."

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now