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Mina opens the door to see you and Shoto petting Sho. "OH MY GOD! YOU GOT A CAT?" She squeals as she walks over to you and gets down to pet him. "What's its name?"

You look at Shoto and then back at Mina, "I named him Sho."

"Sho as in part of Shoto?"


"That's so c-"

"Don't finish that sentence, I will hurt you. I named him Sho because his eyes are just like Shoto's and it's adorable."

"Awee, can i hold him?"

"Of course." You said as you handed Sho to her. "Sho will be staying with us and Shoto will be over here and there to visit him."

"Okay!!" Mina pets Sho as Eijiro walks over to her and pets him too.

"I'm glad I got him" You whispered to Shoto.

"Me too," Shoto whispers back. "And y/n"


He looks into your e/c orbs "Thank you for being my friend even if I am your boss"

You giggle. "There is no reason to thank me. Being someone's friend is not meant to be a task"

"S-sorry" A very faint blush shows up on Shoto's face. "I think I should be getting home soon."

"Okay, I'll walk you out."

"Okay. It was nice to meet you Mina and Eijiro."

"Nice to meet you too." They respond at the same time.

As you get outside, Shoto leans against his car for now. "Y/n."

You lean against the car beside him. "Yea?"

"Thanks for having me over and taking me out today. It was refreshing to get out of my head"

You chuckle. "Anytime. And I'm pretty sure little Sho would love to see his dad"

Shoto looks at you, with wide eyes. "D-dad?!"

"Yeah. I mean you were with me when I got him and he likes you. I'm his mom, and you're his dad." You have a faint blush on your cheeks as you realize what you're saying.

"Oh, Okay then. When do you think I can come to see him next?"

"Well, I start back to my other job Tuesday, so if you want to see him after work I'd be fine with that. I'll just have to leave a bit early."

"Okay. I'll make sure to let you know if I plan on coming over. I usually have nothing to do after work so it gives me something to get busy with since I'm not allowed to work overtime."

You chuckle, "Yeah you work addict."

"Anyway, thank you for today. I really needed it."

"You're welcome. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"Okay, bye y/n."

"Bye!" You wave as he gets in his car and drives off.

You walk inside to see Eijiro on the couch. "Hey Eijiro, where's Mina?"

He looks over at you from the couch. "She's in that one room over there" He points to the one where the stripper poles are. "Supposedly I'm not allowed in there so I'm just watching tv for a bit."

"Ah, okay. Just knock on the door when you are going to leave then unless you plan on staying over."


My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now