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Curious as to why it's taking Shoto and Dabi so long, you walk upstairs to check on them. When you get up there you see them with their arms around each other and tears on both of their faces.

You've not seen Shoto cry before, but you can tell these are some long time needed tears. As you're about to turn around Shoto opens his eyes and sees you. Shoto squeezes Touya one last time before letting go, scared that if he looks away for even a moment he'd disappear.

Shoto waves you over as he drys his eyes. You walk over there and look at them, "I'm guessing my theory is right by what just happened?"

Dabi looks the other way, drying his eyes quickly. Shoto nods and responds, "Yeah... You were right."

You smile, "Good. Glad you figured it all out. Do you want me to let you two talk or..."

Dabi turns and faces both of you, "No. I'll just tell you both the story so Sho doesn't have to repeat it later."

"Okay, let's go downstairs though." You all start walking down the stairs. "Oh, by the way, we have a cat named Sho, so if you say Sho and he comes to you that's why."

"Okay then."

Once you're downstairs, Shoto and Touya take a seat on the couch while you grab drinks for everyone. As soon as Touya sits down Sho jumps up onto his lap. It scares him at first, but he ends up petting the cat, feeling the fluffiness of its fur. "I'm guessing this is Sho?"

Shoto nods, "Yeah. Y/n named him after me."


"His eyes."

Touya picks the cat up a little bit and looks at the cat's eyes, seeing the Heterochromia eyes that look the same as Shoto's. "Oh. I see it."

Shoto chuckles, "Yeah, she found him at a cat cafe before we started dating and he reminded her of me."

"I don't know if that's cliche or cute."

"A little bit of both, but he's our cat son."

Touya chuckles, "Guess I'm an uncle."

"Yea, I guess so," Shoto says with a small, but warm smile.

You walk into the living room with some sodas and sit down beside Shoto. They thank you for the soda before opening them and taking sips. Touya sets his soda down and sits back against the couch, thinking about where to start.

Starting to explain, he says, "So as a kid, Enji went after me at first with forcing me to study, beating me, and everything else. As time went on he started hurting Shoto too, which I protected him from as much as possible." He takes a deep breath and thinks for a moment.

"The day of the fire, nothing was planned. I ran to the building, scared of what Enji was going to do for coming home a little later. I fell asleep and when I woke up the building was on fire. I tried to find a safe exit, but the fire was surrounding each one. In the end, I had to run through the fire which caused the burns and later scarred, making me look like this." Touya looks down at his scars and runs a finder down one.

He continues, "I was going to run home, but I was scared. So, instead of going home, I ran. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. Soon enough it was dark out and I had passed out on the side of the road from the burns. It was so painful and sometimes it still is. When I woke up after that I was in bed. A man named Tomura found me on the side of the road and took me to his home, washing me up and keeping me warm."

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now