♛25: Final Chapter♛

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We rush into the hospital and stop at the front desk. You quickly ask the lady what room Mina Ashido is in. The lady tells you "Room three-fifteen on the third floor." You and Shoto rush up the stairs since the elevators take too long. You run through the halls, looking for the room. Before you get to it, you see Eijiro pacing back and forth with a worried expression on his face.

When you get to him you wrap him in a hug. When you let go you ask, "Is Mina and the twins okay? How are they?"

"I don't know. They won't let me back in there," he says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"What happened??"

"She was doing fine and then her heartbeat increased rapidly, so they made me wait out here and I haven't gotten any news yet."

Shoto reassures you both, "She will be fine and so will the twins. Mina is strong and look at who their parents are. They'll be okay."

Eijiro takes a deep breath, "Thanks, man. I needed that."

"You're welcome. I'm sure we will get some news soon."

Eijiro nods his head as he continues pacing back and forth. You are stressing just as much since Mina is family. You love her and don't know what you would do without her. Shoto notices your stress and pulls you into a hug. He reassures you they will be okay as you bury your head into his chest.

It's thirty minutes later when the doctor comes out with a smile on his face. He tells you all that Mina and the twins are fine, Mina is just exhausted. He brings Eijiro into the room first to meet his children before bringing you and Shoto in.

When Eijiro walks in, he's brought to tears at the sight of his girlfriend and children. He kisses Mina before picking up the baby boy first. Minutes later he sets him down and picks the baby girl up too. They've already talked about baby names before, so they have their names picked out already.

The doctor asks about letting you and Shoto in and Mina says yes. A minute later you both walk into the room and you almost die when you see the twins. Mina hands the baby boy to you and says, "Say hello to your nephew, Yo Kirishima."

You smile as you hold him, looking at how cute he is. While you are holding Yo, Eijiro hands Shoto the baby girl. It scares Shoto at first since he's never really been around babies, but after a few seconds, he's fine. Eijiro says, "And say hello to your niece, Momo Kirishima."

As you are holding Yo you look at Shoto and say, "Don't you want one of these." Shoto's face turns bright red and he clears his throat. He looks down at Momo once again and a smile starts to show on his face.

He stutters a bit, "Y-yes actually... I- I think i do."

This time you're the one to blush. You were actually joking, but at least you know his view on having children and you would love to have some little Shoto's running around one day too. After holding the twins for a few more minutes you hand them back to Mina and Eijiro. Eijiro sits beside the bed as he talks to Mina and they look at the babies.

You and Shoto say your goodbyes as you leave the hospital with your hands intertwined with one another. Shoto drives you to the strip club to let Shota know about the twins and because he said he has something to tell you anyways.

After arriving at the club and telling Shota the news, he was delighted. You told him the names and that Mina would be able to leave by the end of the week if he wanted to visit her in the hospital. You talked about a few other things to do with the babies and Mina before he finally brought up what he needs to tell you.

"There is a show coming to town that is having tryouts for dancers and I have a feeling it can start off the career you've always wanted to start," Shota tells you knowing you'll be interested. Within the years that he's known you, your dreams have always been consistent and easy to see. Although he will lose his best stripper, he wants you to follow your dreams and have fun.

You immediately smile as you realize what this means. You jump up and hug Shota as you squeal. After ruining his hearing for the rest of his life and letting go, you say, "Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god... THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! What day are the tryouts???"

"Next Thursday."

"I can't wait!!!"

Both the men in the room chuckle at your excitement as you dance around the room chanting, "I'm gonna be a dancer! A real dancer!"

Shota adds, "Don't forget you gotta make it past the auditions first"

You turn to him, full confidence showing on your face. With a confident tone of voice, you state, "Oh I will, trust me." Shoto smirks at your confidence, glad you feel that way.

Shota stands up, "That's my girl. I'm buying you two dinner, let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"The cafe I took you to a lot a few years back."

"YES! F/F! And of course, Shota gets soba." Shota raises an eyebrow, a little confused. You notice the confusion and say, "We used to go there all the time for lunch. We still do sometimes but it's been a while. Every time we would get the same thing so our orders are memorized completely."

Shota chuckles, "Sounds about right. Now move it, I haven't eaten yet and Hizashi said he wasn't going to cook tonight since he's going out with friends"

You laugh as you pull both of the men out the door and head for the cafe. Shoto and Shota look at each other and shake their heads at you as you drag them along.


It's later that night and your sitting in bed, waiting for Shoto. You look out the window as you sit there, just thinking about everything that occurred today. You're an aunt now and you also have the chance of a lifetime to follow your dreams.

You look out the window and up at the stars as tears fall down your face. These tears aren't of sadness. No, these tears are the opposite. They represent how happy you are and how much you wish your mom could see you now. As you look at the sky you can just picture her looking down at you, being prouder than ever.

Shoto walks out of the bathroom and notices the tears sliding down your cheeks. He gets on the bed behind you and wraps his arms around you, both of you just sitting there. He starts rocking the both of you as he hugs you, his chin sitting atop your head. He knows what you are thinking as you look up the sky because some nights he's found you just looking up at the sky talking.

He kisses your head as he rocks you and tells you, "I bet your moms so proud of you just like I am."

You turn around in his arms and set your chin on his shoulder. You smile as you think about your mom, "I hope so..."

"I know so," he says as he removes your head from his shoulder and leans his forehead against yours. "She'd be so proud that you have friends and people you can consider family, that you have someone of your own to love."

You lightly smile and kiss him on the lips, "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"You taught me how to love."

"Well I'm glad I did. I feel so happy."

"Me too baby, me too." Shoto wraps his arms around you completely and crashes you both down onto the bed.

You giggle as he pulls you closer. "I love you Shoto."

"I love you too y/n." Shoto kisses the top of your head as you both drift off to sleep in each other's arms.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Any Thoughts?

~Aizaten ♥♥♥

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