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The bright morning sun shines through the windows of the upstairs bedroom. Shoto is the first to wake up and looks at you as the light shines on your face, making you look as if you're a doll with beautiful, smooth, s/c skin. He moves your hair out of your face and admires you for a moment before kissing you on the forehead and getting out of bed.

Knowing your thighs will be sore, Shoto decides he's going to make you breakfast. He's not the best cook but you've been teaching him and he's gotten the hang of some of it. He cooks some scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon before heading back upstairs with two trays of food.

He opens the door and sets the food down on his nightstand. Getting on the bed he leans over you and smiles at your sleeping face. Shoto shakes your shoulders a little bit and whispers in your ear, "Wake up my princess."

You slightly open your eye and close it again. Mumbling, you say, "This princess wants to go back to sleep."

"Guess I'll eat your bacon then," Shoto smirks as he watches you open your eyes.

You sigh and sit up, "Not the bacon."

"That's what i thought." He kisses you on the cheek as you rub your eyes. Shoto gets off the bed and grabs the trays. He sets one on your lap before getting on the bed himself to eat.

Both of you eat your breakfast, talking about random things. Shoto's opening up his company within the next few months since he has everything planned and has a few people who would-be employees.

After breakfast, you decide to try and get up. Shoto catches you as you fall to the floor, your thighs in pain. Shoto laughs as he picks you back up and sets you on the bed, you poking at your thighs and yelling at them.

As you sit on the bed poking your thighs, Shoto picks out some clothes for you to wear and gets you dressed. Although it makes you feel like a kid, you also enjoy it because you get to be lazy. He takes your shirt off first and helps you put your bra on. Making you put your arms up in the air, he then puts a shirt on you that has the word "Simp" on it.

You raise an eyebrow at Shoto as you look down at your shirt and he just innocently shrugs as he grabs some panties for you to put on. As he pulls your panties up, you purposely squeeze your legs together to make him work for it. Knowing what you're doing, Shoto grabs a sensitive spot on the back of your thigh that is even more sensitive now, making you stop immediately, giving him time to pull them up. Shoto chuckles at your loss as you pout.

After sliding some shorts and socks onto you, Shoto gets himself dressed in a sleeveless shirt and a pair of jeans that doesn't leave much to your imagination. Once you're both dressed, Shoto piggybacks you to the living room where you both chill and watch tv for a while.


Today is the day that Shoto's company finally opened. Izuku, Katsuki, Eijiro, Touya, and Hitoshi all volunteered to work for him, each getting a high position since Shoto knows and trusts them. They each get to hire their own people for their teams as time goes by and the company grows.

Mina is a little over seven months pregnant, so Shoto's decided on Eijiro not working until the children have been born. You'd both agreed on sending them some money monthly since neither was working to support each other and since Mina is having twins, it's harder for Mina to do things alone.

About a month ago both you and Shoto got to meet Touya's boyfriend for the first time. He said his name's Keigo, but prefers to go by Hawks. Both of you thought it was weird, but agreed to call him hawks. He seemed laid back and although both of them were always bitching, you realized it's their way of flirting. Shoto asked you about it one day which made you realize he doesn't know flirting very well.

You wondered if Shoto ever had people flirt with him before and not realize it. Imagining it, you figured it'd be hilarious to see the girls' reaction to him not knowing they were flirting. What you didn't realize is that he has caught onto your flirts, so he's made it easy to flirt back without a problem.

As everyone that will be working there is at the opening party along with some extra family and friends, Shoto decides to do a toast. You know he's not one for speaking to crowds or anything, but it's slightly easier for him since he knows everyone there. "I want to thank everyone for being here and supporting the company. I'm glad to call you all my friends and family even though I don't exactly socialize the best. Thank you for all coming out tonight and I hope everyone has a good time. To a new beginning!" he says.

As he was speaking, you knew he was nervous and was squeezing his hand the whole time. Everyone raises their classes and repeats, "To a new beginning." Afterward, you both go and sit down as some music plays and everyone eats snacks.

Halfway through the party as you and Shoto are sitting, the music stops and everyone backs away from the middle of the dance floor. What's left in the middle is Hitoshi, down on one knee in front of Denki. You gasp and squeeze Shoto's hand as you watch him grab a small yellow box out of his pocket.

Denki goes wide-eyed, happy tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. Hitoshi opens the box and holds it out in front of Denki, "When we first met, I was a grouchy sleepy guy. I technically still am, but I always looked forward to you brightening up my day. It's been six years since we started dating and I want to spend as much as possible with you. Denki Kaminari, I love you with all my heart. Will you stay with me forever and marry me?"

Tears are flooding out of Denki's eyes by the time Hitoshi finishes. He just nods multiple times and throws his arms around Hitoshi's neck, sending them both to the floor. Denki is finally able to reply through the tears and says, "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!"

Hitoshi smiles and wraps his arms around his fiance. A minute later they both get up and Hitoshi puts the purple ring on Denki's finger. Denki intertwines their fingers as they walk to a table to sit at, both of them beaming with pure happiness.

Throughout the rest of the party, everyone dances, talks, snacks, and has fun in general. You even end up being able to talk Shoto into getting on the dance floor after some hard persuasion techniques.

At the end of the night, you stay back with Shoto along with Shota, Hizashi, and Fuyumi to clean up. Once everything is clean you all say your goodbyes before going home.

By the time you make it home, it's almost midnight. Touya and Hawks are sitting on the couch watching a movie, so you and Shoto sneak upstairs and to your bedroom. Shota puts on his usual pair of sweatpants and you throw on one of his huge shirts before climbing into bed.

Lays on his back as you climb into bed, throwing one leg over his waist with your head on his chest. Shoto kisses you before covering you both up and wrapping his arm around you. You're the first one asleep as Shoto lays there staring at the ceiling. Eventually, he drifts off to sleep as he's cuddled up against you with a small smile on his face.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Any Thoughts?

~Aizaten ♥♥♥

My Icyhot Boss [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now