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You wake up with one of Shoto's arms around you. He's still asleep so you silently remove the arm. You look at the man on the bed and he's still asleep for now, so you decide to go make something for everyone to eat.

Maybe it's stupid you let a stranger into your home, but why would you leave a man on the street. You could have taken him to a hospital, but you knew you and Shoto could help him quicker.

You walk downstairs and mix the batter for pancakes before making plenty for everyone, along with some leftovers. You grab each plate and bring them upstairs, noticing the man on the bed is awake. You set the pancakes down in front of him, "You should eat."

"Thank you," he replies.

You smile at the man, "You're welcome."

You then set your own and Shoto's pancakes down on a table and wake him up. He wakes up and looks at you, confused. "I made pancakes and the man we helped is up."

Shoto turns his head and looks at the man eating the pancakes. You then hand Shoto his pancakes and you sit down also eating yours. As you eat you decide to ask the man, "What's your name if you don't mind me asking sir?"

The man swallows his bite of food and turns his head to look at you, "Dabi."

"Is that your real name?"

"No, but it's what I prefer to go by."

You nod and continue eating your pancakes. Once everyone's done you decide to take all the plates downstairs and clean up the breakfast mess.

While you're downstairs cleaning up, Shoto grabs some clothes for Dabi. He grabs some pants and a shirt he thinks will fit, along with a few other things, and heads back into the guest room.

"You can take a shower if you want. I grabbed some of my clothes for you to wear."

"Thanks." Dabi starts to get out of bed, feeling the pain surge throughout his body.

"You're welcome." Shoto notices Dabi struggling. "Here, let me help."

Shoto sets the clothes down and hurries over to help Dabi up. Dabi stands completely up, groaning out in pain a little. He takes a few deep breaths before walking a little bit. Shoto lets go as Dabi is able to move around better. He grabs the clothes and shows Dabi to one of the bathrooms.

He shows him a hairbrush he can use, a towel, and a few other things before setting the clothes down and closing the door. Shoto heads downstairs where he sees you feeding Sho.

"Dabi is in the shower, I don't know what he plans on doing after," Shoto says as he walks into the living room, running his hands through his hair.

You look up at him from Sho's food bowl, "I'm not entirely sure. I do wonder how he got those scars though... Would it be rude to ask?"

Shoto shrugs his shoulders as he sits down on the couch, "I don't know. I guess you can ask him though, but it's up to you in the end."

You get up and walk over to the couch, sitting beside Shoto. "Did you notice his eyes?"

"What do you mean?" Shoto asks.

"Well, they are the same color as your one eye."

"Yeah, a lot of people have turquoise eyes."

You sigh, "True, but the burns. Your brother was in a fire but they never found a body and he said that Dabi isn't his real name. Do you think that maybe he could be him?"

Shoto looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed, his lips pushed together as he thinks. "I'm not sure, but we can't make that kind of assumption out of looks. He could be anyone."

"Yeah, but... it's a possibility, right?"

Shoto shakes his head, "I don't know. Touya's hair was Red, not black."

"He could dye his hair... I don't know. Maybe it was a stupid thought."

Shoto thinks about it, "Maybe, but there's also a chance you're right."

You look at Shoto and tilt your head. "What do you mean."

"I'm not sure what I mean yet, but if that's Touya... I'm going to find out."

You're about to respond when you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You turn around and see Dabi standing there shirtless.

Dabi scratches the back of his neck, "Do one of you mind helping me wrap my torso up?"

Shoto stands up. "Yeah I'll help you."


Dabi turns around and walks back up the stairs, wincing in pain when he moves a certain way Shoto follows, looking back at you before going up the stairs. You decide to sit on the couch and pet Sho, letting Shoto figure things out with Dabi.

Shoto walks into the bathroom where Dabi is now standing and looking at his injuries in the mirror. Dabi turns his head when he sees Shoto walk in. He feels like he's seen Shoto somewhere before, but he isn't too sure. Dabi's met so many people and been through so much shit, Shoto could be anyone to him.

Dabi hands the wrap to Shoto and takes a step away from the sink to give him room to wrap his torso. That's when Dabi realizes he doesn't know their names. "What is yours and the woman's name if you don't mind me asking?"

"My girlfriend's name is y/n and mine is Shoto," Shoto replies as he finishes wrapping Dabi's torso up.

Dabi's eyes widen at the recognition of the name. "Shit" he mumbles.

Shoto looks at him, "What?"

"Nothing, I need to leave. Thank you both for the help."

"You're still hurt. It's not good to be running around or doing anything."

Dabi turns around and heads for the door, "Sorry, I just need to go."

Shoto doesn't know what to say, so he decides to see if saying his big brother's name will make him stop. "Touya."

Dabi freezes. "What did you say?"

"You're my big brother. Touya, right?"

Dabi turns around and looks at Shoto, "I think you have the wrong person."

Shoto bites his bottom lip for a moment. He looks Dabi in the eyes, "No, I'm sure of it. Your reaction to the name clarifies it."

"What makes you think that I'm this 'Touya' person?" Touya asks, leaning back against the door frame.

Shoto leans against the counter, "y/n brought to my attention your burn scars, eye color, and the fact that you said Dabi wasn't your real name. At first, I thought it was just some kind of coincidence, but the way you reacted to the name just puts it all together." Shoto looks Dabi in the eyes and says, "I'm pretty sure you've got to be Touya."

Dabi sighs in defeat, "Fuck. Yes, I'm Touya. Why does it matter Sho?"

Shoto doesn't say anything. He stands up straight and walks over to Dabi, standing straight in front of him.

Shoto quickly wraps his arms around Touya, catching him off guard. Touya finally wraps his arms around Shoto too. Tears that Shoto's been keeping hidden for years starts pouring out of his eyes as he says, "I thought you were dead..."

That's when Touya loses his hard demeanor, a few tears also sliding down his cheek, "No... I've never been dead. Just a bunch of pain all my life."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry if Dabi seems too OOC! I haven't exactly studied him as I have Shoto xD

Any Thoughts?

~Aizaten ♥♥♥

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