Part 1 : meeting each other

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Stella was getting ready for her very first day at the firehouse as a paramedic. She was very nervous, but she knew the firehouse she was going to was a great one. She was getting ready feeling a bit nauseous because of the stress, but her parents talking in her head wasn't helping her at all.

"Stella baby you can't possibly really want that" her mom said to her as she followed Stella around while she was getting ready.

"I do as a matter of fact, and i got tired of you telling me what I should do or not" Stella said gathering the last bit of her things.

"You know your dad and i just want the best for you"

"And i know that, but i want what makes me happy".

Stella went down the stairs, took her car keys and was heading for the door.

"Come on Stella listen to your mom" her dad started saying "we paid for your studies abroad for you to become more than a paramedic".

His tone was so reductive, and that's exactly what Stella hated. Her mom was a lawyer and her dad owned a bank, so they were very known and respected people. But they always wanted her to follow their paths in a career like them, or just simply a career "they" judged as important.

"Are you listening to yourself?" She asked baffled by her dad's choice of words.

So she took a deep breath.

"Yes and i am firm on what i am saying, i want you doing something real with your life. Not whatever this is you're trying to prove" he added.

"Well too bad for you that's what i want for me, and that's i will do. I got tired of always trying to make you two ungrateful people happy. From now on i am living for me".

"You went away to become someone, not to then make poor life choices" her mom said "what happened to you Stella, that's not you"

"That is me, you don't even know half of the things i went through when i was alone over there." She let out a sigh "you know what, I don't have time for this right now".

So she grabbed her bag and left the house. Her whole life had been like this, sure she always had everything when she was a child. Her parents' love too, but as she got older it's like her parents had changed with the time and she wasn't understanding them anymore.
On the other hand, the firehouse was very happy for the return of Severide. He had been away for so long now that they really thought he would never come back.

Severide was him getting ready to go back, he had to leave Sky with a nanny and he wasn't really excited about that. Just like always he would take a decision at the last moment, and he was scared to leave his baby girl alone for the first time.

"You sure you got this? I left everything you need, there's a list on the fridges if you ever forget what we talked about. There's also some emergency numbers on there" he was going on and on.

"I got this don't worry" she smiled.

So he grabbed his bag and just when he opened the door Sky ran to him.

"Daddy stay please" she said making a pouch.

So he got her in his arms "daddy will be back soon, you be nice with the lady" he said and gave her a kiss. "I love you".

"I love you too daddy"

So the little girl's heart was left a little more at peace. He put her down, and then left for work. She was a bit more peaceful but her dad wasn't, he just couldn't fully trust the nanny. And so in his way to work he decided to give a call to his mother, she had helped him in the very beginning when he decided to adopt Sky. And he needed her again, she was the only person he could really trust.

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