new moon

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Y/n pov:

I Was getting ready for school when i hear my door open i see my dad he told me it was Bella's birthday, i was totally shocked what was i going to get her. Then i remembered i have like 10 wolf necklaces i could give her, i picked one out and put on my shoes. I went outside and saw jake waiting for me?. "What's up?" I ask him wondering why he is at here. "I am going to school with you" he said, "WAIT WHAT!?" I said yelling. "Calm down i am just dropping off Bella's present" jake said as we started to walk into the woods.
We got to the school and saw bella with edward and jasper, when jake saw Edward and jasper he tensed up and pulled me closer to him. I look up at him but he just continues to look straightforward.
"Hey bella happy birthday!" I scream and run towards her. "Y/n not so loud" she said laughing a little. "Sorry" i said smiling then i see jasper. Ran up to him and hugged him. "I missed you" i said making a sad puppy face. He just laughs.

"Y/n i saw you two days ago" he said looking down at me. "Sooo i still missed you" i said crossing my arms. "I missed you two" he laughed a little. Then i guess bella and jake were done talking. Jake kissed me on the cheek and hugged me and we said goodbye. Jasper looked annoyed with him. "You ok?" I asked him, "Yeah"
We went inside the school and then we ran into alice.
"Happy birthday bella!!" She said happy. "Not to loud alice" bella said hugging her. Then handed her a gift says that they were going to throw her a party i zoned out after that.
I have been doing that a lot lately but i did tell jasper because i didn't want him to worry. Then i felt someone tap on my shoulder it was jasper looking worried. I kissed him on the lips "i am fine don't worry" i said not knowing if it was true.
'What is going on with me'
I thought in my head.
Edward walked over to me and pulled me aside, "y/n are you ok?" He said sounding just like my brother. "I am fine i have just been zoning out lately"
He looked concerned
Me and jasper were staring at this picture of these people. "That's the volterra they are very old and very powerful vampires" he said they gave me a bad feeling.
I looked closer and saw carlisle. "Is that carlisle?"
"Yeah he lived with them for a few decade's" jasper said still looking at the pictures. "He described them as very refined and no respect for hunan life of course, but respect for the arts and sciences at least." He said then continued.
"And the law, above all the law." He said, i was getting scared of them i haven't met them let but they seem scary. But i didn't know vampires had laws cause my dad ever told me.
"Vampires have laws?" I asked.

Then jasper looked at me with his hands behind his back "we don't have very many, and only one that regularly enforced" he said
"What is it" i said curious.
"That we keep our kind a Secret" he said and looked back at the picture. "That would mean to you two cause you are half human"
He said looking at me, but he gave a smile that made me not worry. "Well if they did find out that you and me are together and they know u are half human they could kill me" he said it with no worry at all.
"You gotta stop talking about that i cant even think about someone hurting you" i said, it would kill me to see jasper in pain.
"The only person that could hurt me is you" he said smiling, my eyes widened.
Then he hugged me and said "you are my only reason to stay alive" i hugged him back. Then i heard a voice coming up the stairs "its time,its time,its time!" Alice practically telling us to come on.


Bella was opening presents while i was messing with jaspers hair. Then i stop when i heard people laughing. I got off the table and stub by jasper.
Bella was opening one of her presents when a smelled something. I look at bella to see a paper cut and everyone looked at jasper, i looked at everyone then back at him. He just looked at bella then all of a sudden rosalie runs over to me and pulls me over with the rest of them, then jasper jumps at bella and Edward pushes bella back.
I ran over to her and helped her up, i put her head in my lap.
"Jasper your really going to do this infront of y/n." Edward said i look at jasper then he looked back at me then back to Edward.
"Don't BRING HER INTO THIS" he yells at Edward.
Then Emmett and alice take him outside. Then edward helped bella then all of a sudden everything went black.

(Ok so there might be like three parts to the new moon cause a lot of stuff happens in that one, i don't know if i should make them shorter or longer so dm me and tell me plz thank you!💚

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