eclipse part 3

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"After time our enemies disappeared except one" billy broke the eye contact after a while.
"Something bad is coming we must be prepared....all of us" my dad looked between me and bella.
I walked to the cullen's house to see jasper.
They were talking about how the murders were getting worse. "It cant just be one vampire there has to be more." Jasper then sniffed the air and smiled.

He does his vampire speed and hugs me. "I have missed you" he kisses my cheek and then we walk over to the rest of the family still talking about the murders.

"Its new borns" edward looked at jasper. "New borns?" Me and bella didn't know what those were.
My family treated me more like a human i only know that vampires and werewolves exists nothing about them.

"There like new vampires the first few months the blood lust is uncontrollable."edward looks at bella.

"Someone is creating a Army" carlisle looked towards jasper. Then all of a sudden i am in my own little world... Crap i did it again, i zoned out.

I came back to reality when i felt someone tap on my arm i look and it was... rosalie?

"Y/n i have noticed how much you space out" she had this worried look on her face. "Please don't tell jasper, i don't need him to worry about me" she nodded in agreement.
I called my dad and told him i would be staying at the cullen's tonight. He didn't like the idea but there was nothing me could do about it.

I was just in jasper's bed cuddling up to him, i didn't want to go to sleep, i was scared that if I went to sleep jasper will be gone when i wake up.

Edward came in saying he need to talk to Jasper, i didn't mind as long as he would be back.

Jasper's pov:

"Y/n wont go to sleep she is scared you wont be there when she wakes up" edward says with a sad look in his eyes.

"I read her mind if you were wondering" now it made sense. "Oh ok i will make sure she will sleep thanks" i walk back in the room and see y/n sitting on the bed crying...

"Y/n what's wrong?" I got to the bed. "Please don't leave me ever again" she continued to cry but harder. I hate seeing her like this.

I guess when me and the family left she got scared of losing me again....
"Shhhh its ok" i hugged her into my chest and i laid her down on the pillow next to me.

"I wont leave you again"
Her eyes slowly started to close and soon she was asleep...
Y/n pov:

I got dressed into some black rip jeans and a f/c top. Then grabbed my jacket to go meet up with bella and jake.
I was just on my phone while jake and bella talked but then something caught my attention. "Alice is having a graduation party which your invited to " bella looked at jake and continued to walk a long the water.

Jake didn't say anything
"Yeah i figured that" bella smiled a little so did jacob.
They talked until jake said this "you need to know that i am in love with you bella"
My jaw dropped.

"Wow" i said laughing.
"And i want you to choose him over me" 'yeah sorry jake but that's never going to happen' i said in my head.

Then they started to argue so i got closer to bella just in case. Then he kissed her that's when i got pissed, he knew her and edward are together and that he should have done that.

He wouldn't stop so i punched him cause i knew a slap wouldn't do anything. When i punched him, i thought my hand was broke. Jake ran over me so did bella.

We were at Bella's house my hand was still in a lot of pain. Then i see edward and jasper pull up 'great'

Jasper and edward ran up to jake, bella put my head on her shoulder so i couldn't see them fight.
"Never lay a hand on her again!" i heard jasper yell at jake and i heard edward saying stuff to. Then Charlie came out and stopped them from fighting.
carlisle was looking at my hand "its just sprained, it should heal quickly"

Emmett came in as carlisle bandaged my hand.
"Trying to chew gum and walking y/n" he laughed
"Punched my werewolf brother in the face" i said kinda proud of myself.

"Badass, your going to be one tough little new born" Emmett laughed.
Jasper glared at him.
Mostly telling him to shut up. Jasper and I haven't talked about the whole vampire hybrid thing.
It was finally graduation!
Jessica was giving her speech

I could see my dad in the back but no jacob....

Ok i am going to leave it there cause its getting to long i will make the part about the party 💚

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