eclipse part 1

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Bella told me about this place where her and edward go sometimes, its a field of flowers and she told me i should go see it.

So today that's what i am doing, and of course jasper wanted to come. We have talk about the whole marriage thing yet but i know he wants to bring it up.

I was working on a essay while jasper just played with my hair. I was working on my paper when jasper kept kissing my cheek.

"Jasper i got to focus~" i told him. Then we started to kiss. Then he stopped and said "marry me" i wanted to say yes but i still had a lot of stuff i need to figure out.

So i said "no" then once again he says "marry me"
I quickly replied with
"Change me" i know there is a 90% chance of me dying in fact no one has survived the transformation.

He looked kinda scared then looked me in the eyes
"Fine,if you marry me"
I knew he didn't want me to be one of them but, i want to be with him.

"I cant i have to be back before four" i laughed a little so did he.
I got to the house and opened the door.
"Where were you" i heard jake from in the kitchen.
"I was with jasper..." I could hear him growl.

Then billy came in 'great'
"Y/n you need to break up with him" i cant believe dad just said that. "I don't have to do anything" i said looking at jake and dad.

"Even the pack agrees" jake said pointing behind me.
I turn around to see all the pack outside staring at me.
I walked out billy and jake do the same knowing something about to go down.

"Who the hell decided that i don't get happiness" i said looking at dad and jake then back to the pack.
"Y/n its for your safety" paul said "ether you break up with him or don't come home" sam said not even looking me in the eyes.

"Excuse me!?" Jacob said getting infront of me. "That isn't your choice" billy looks at sam "if she comes back my pack will rip her to shreds" paul looks down.

"Its fine jake, i will be fine" i said going into the house gabbing my shoes and phone.
I walk up to the cullen house knowing they probably sense me by now.
Then all of a sudden i fall to my knees crying. I tried to stop before they come out.

The cullen's all walk outside, jasper runs over to me and lets me cry in his chest. "Sweetie what's wrong" esme comes over to me. "They-they kicked me out" i could barely speak

Me and rosalie had gotten close so she was just has mad as jasper,emmett, and carlisle. They thought of me as family.
I fell asleep in jaspers arms
He put me in his bed and cuddled next to me.

-next morning-

I could smell esme's cooking that i loved so much. Edward didn't know about me being kicked out jasper thought if we told he would go nuts. But we were going to tell him this moring

I got down stairs with my black shorts and one of jaspers hoodies.
I was eating pancakes when edward walk into the kitchen and looked confused "why is she here not in a bad way" "i got kicked out"

After edward threatening to kill jacob and sam he calmed down, i got dressed and got ready to head out for school with jasper,bella and edward.
We sat at the table with Bella's friends they were talking about Jessica's speech she was going to give at graduation.

I zoned out again, it has been happing more than usual. And i don't know what's causing this...

Jasper tapped my shoulder i look over to him then he pointed to alice who looked like she was having a vision she looked worried which made me worry.

Me and jasper were walking around the woods he still refused to tell me what alice saw. Then bella texted me 'do you know who this is he missing' i looked at the picture she sent me. I dropped my phone it was Riley....

Me and riley had a history... Not a lovers history but a best friend history... When i went to Seattle to go get this special
Candy my dad want that was only in Seattle.

I ran into Riley on the street, he help me buy the candy, after that we became best friends but i broke my phone and lost his number so i haven't talked to him in a while...

I told bella i didn't know him. He is really missing...
I was at the cullen's house alone cause they said they had to go do something i was ok with them not tell me what they were doing.
Me and jasper were in the car in the school's parking lot "if i asked you to stay in the car will you" before i could answer him he got out i saw edward walking with jasper, i got out and started to walk with bella.

Me and bella saw jake she looked at me cause i told her about them kicking me out.

Jacob came over to me and bella and smelled us.
"He is seeing if you two are still human" edward looked at Jacob.

"I here to warn you if your kind come on our land again" jake got cut of by bella "wait what" is that what jasper was doing?

Jake told them about Victoria then edward and bella started to argue.
Jake walk next to me with jasper right aside me.

"Are you living with them now" jake said with anger in his voice. "Yeah..."
"Come home y/n please...."
Jake was practically begging me.

"All you have to do is break up with him"

"Wait what?!" Jasper looked at me that caught Bella's and Edwards attention.....

There is probably going to be like 5-7 parts sorry if you don't want it long but have a great day/night

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