part 5 💚

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Y/n pov:

Jasper started to tell me about his past.

"But i never have Seen real war" jasper and me continue to walk.
"Until?" "Until i meant a certain immortal"


"I was riding back from Galveston after evacuating
A Column of women and children...when i saw them"

"I immediately offered them my aid"

"Maria was creating a army?" I asked him
"They were very common in the south" he folded his arms. "She was smart, careful and she had me"
Wow she seem scary.

"I was her second and command" i could tell this was a little hard for him to talk about. "My ability to control emotions served her well"

"I trained her new borns.."
"Since she never let them live beyond the first year"
He stopped for a second and looked at me

"So it was my job to dispose of them" he looked ashamed. "I thought what me and maria had was love....but i was her puppet"

"I didn't know there was another way...until i found alice" i started to feel jealous of alice...

I think jasper noticed
"Aw darling are you jealous" he came over to me and hugged me
"No i am not!" I sounded like a kid.
Jake wanted me home so when I got home I went straight to sleep.


This girl was whispering to jasper and jasper was looking at me with this look in his eyes that scared me...
Then Victoria was whispering

"jasper i need you to do something for me"
He didn't say anything back just continued to stare at me. "Kill her..." Victoria told him

Then he did his vampire speed and ran to me.

~end of dream~

I woke up screaming.
Jake ran into my room
"What's wrong!" Jake runs to me. I told him about my dream he seemed mad. It was morning anyway so i got dressed.
Me and jasper were talking about how we are going to keep me safe so we decided to both not fight so we wouldn't have to worry about each other.
We were meeting with jake and edward and bella.
"Your not fighting? Did you pull a muscle." Jacob said walking towards the four of us.

"He is doing it for me, ok?"
I told jake.
"Whatever, you are having nightmares about him"
Jake rolled his eyes.

The thing is i didn't tell jasper about the whole nightmare thing.
"What?" Jasper looked at me. 'Crap, and edward i know you can hear me.'
He laughed a little.

"Just tell me the plan" jake said annoyed.
"We will talk about this nightmare later" jasper said in my ear.

"We need to lure the new borns with y/n's sent here"
Jasper looking around of were we are. We were in this field. "Me,bella,y/n and jasper and going to this camp sight" edward told jake.

"But if he carries me they could still smell me and y/n
Cause y/n smells human." Bella says holding edwards arm.

"So you will have to carry us!" I said hopping to jacob and hugging him. "Done" jake picks me up and picks me on his back then picks bella up in his arms.

Lets just say i held on for my life. (I really cracked up saying that)
Jake ran into the woods really fast.

Then when we got in the woods he slowed down.
"Are you going to ask me to sit out of the fight to?" He asked bella.

I felt like a third wheel.
"I would but you would say no" she look towards the woods. "I don't have a choice anyway since i let sam be alpha"

Jumped off his back.
"You did what!?" I yelled at him. "I didn't even want to be in the pack let alone the leader now can you get back on my back in case something might happen"

I roll my eyes and continue to walk aside him.
"Every choice has consequences some more than others." I knew he was talking about graduation.

"Don't start" bella looked up at him. "Your just going to have to accept our choice." They were getting into a deep conversation so i got on jakes back and started to fall asleep.
I got a text from bella saying that me,her,edward and jasper will have the house to our selves.
I asked her to pick me up when she is leaving she said she would.

I saw my dad in the living room. I wanted to ask him something. "Hey dad"
I was really nervous.

"Oh wassup" he turned around his wheelchair.
"Is there a meaning in marriage" he looked shocked. "Uh...yeah there is" he knew this had something to do with jasper.

"But i will tell you more when your older....much older" he looked really nervous.... "Oh uh ok" i walked back to my room.
Waiting for bella to come by.

(Sorry for the long wait
But when i was about to post it, it deleted everything so i had to rewrite it💚)

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