Chapter 16.

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Daniel's Pov

We walked in the well and I haven't told the girls that I only do this because I hate Draco. We walked through a corridor with snake statues. "What is this place?" Arabella whispers. I saw Elora laying down while Draco was sitting next to her crying. I ran to them and I  place her between my arms "No, no Elora don't. Don't fucking dare to die!" I scream as my voice shakes. Girls ran to us while they checked Draco. She is ice-cold, I couldn't hold my tears. "No no no, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I was never a good brother for you but please please don't leave me Elora." I sobbed. She doesn't move. Oh god what do I do? I touch her cheeks and she is just so pale, she looks so dead. Selina and Arabella came to me as they tried to wake Elora up. Draco still haven't moved.

"You, you are the reason why she is dead! What did you do to her?" Iyell at Draco as I hold him from his sweater. I punch him letting my anger control me. I hit him a few times but he doesn't response. He is reall cold even dough he isn't as cold as Elora. As I hit him his lip start to bleed, Arabella stops me but I can't do this right now. I ran back at Elora as I hug her body that doesn't even move. "Daniel Mentynn!" I heard a voice and when I turned back, I saw a handsome male probably a few years older than us, with grey eyes and  black curly hair. He is wearing Slytherin robes. "Who are you?" I ask with curiosity. "Guess it, the greatest sorcerer iand the wizard in the world, a Slytherin who changed everything, the one true power that you have on your arm." he bragged. "You're Voldemort..." I say shyly as he nods. How is this possible, he hasn't even aged I mean he looks like an 18 years old and he has a nose.

No this can't really be true, he's lying. "After her sacrifice for me, I will be back and stronger then ever. And you Daniel, you will be my right hand son. Her death will be my rise and the end of the filthy bloods." he says as he walkes in a circular path. Draco ran to Elora and he hold her between in his arms. He acts like he cares.

A huge snake gets out of the mouth of a snake statue. Holly hell, this is huge way bigger than some of the towers. "Careful if you look in the eyes, you'll die." Voldemort warns us. I looked away.

"The Diary..." Draco whispers and I saw a diary with black leather cover so I take it. "Put it back." Voldemort yells "Wake her, I am a part of death eaters true but I won't let my sister die. Wake her or your dear diary will be destroyed." I yell confidently. Arabella and Selina closed their eyes and sat down the floor waiting for Elora to wake up. "I'm afraid I can't wake her up. It is too afraid, but its not that late for you Daniel. Join your daddy." he tells me. Ew did he just called himself daddy? Embarrassing. I can't let Elora down. I didn't change my attiude just the way that my sneaky smile. Elora will die if I don't stop it. "Take a mudblood please just not her." I begged but it looked like it didn't worked. Elora's nose started to bleed. "What is happening?" Draco asks us while he cleans the blood but it doesn't stops.

Voldemort looked suprised too "This wasn't supposed to happen." he yells as he grabs Elora.  He looks around her eyes and her ears, nose, eyes were all bleeding. It looked quite scary. "Was this supposed to happen?" I ask with concern. He holds her more tightly. "No something is wrong, this wasn't supposed to happen." he whispers and he says some stuff in latin. "If she dies without completing the process my existence will be gone." Voldemort says while Elora's blood darkened.  "Ea quea feci Spiritus Anchem." he whispered in Elora's ears. Elora opened her eyes back and Malfoy hugged her before me. That little traitor will pay for this later. Selina and Arabella wrapped their arms on at the top of Draco's arms. She tried to stand up "Elora you are too weak." Arabella warned and I hugged her when those filthy blood traitors stopped hugging her.

"I'll bring her at the hospital wing." Malfoy offered. Who does he think I am, I won't let him touch  my sister ever again. I made his hands off of her. "Daniel let me bring her, you should go with the girls." Draco says while his lip still bleeded.  No he won't ever be able to touch her again. "Just let me take care of her!" Draco yelled.

Elora's Pov

I opened my eyes and I saw Draco's beautiful face. I don't really remember what happened to me at my mind but I guess it worked. "Draco..." I tried to talk as I wrap my arms to him more tightly. I tried to open my eyes fully but I was too weak to do that. "Let me Daniel." I heard Draco' s voice again. He grabs me by my waist and holds me with his hands carefully not to touch anywhere private. I hold on him more tightly, trying not to fall. "You will be okay cockroach. Don't die." he whispers at my ear. Where is he taking me at? I try to stare at him but my eyelids won't open fully. I touched at his cheek while my other arm was wrapped around his neck. I started to feel his soft pale skin. "You're not heavy by the way." he tells me. I don't think he knows that I can hear what he says. He carries me all the way to the hospital wing. "What happened to her Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey asked Draco. "She hit her head I think." he answers. Why is he lying? I mean what if I die because of a death spell that was casted on me? What if I can't ever see the people I like? I want to live, I really want to.

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