Chapter 34.

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#Listen to Salvatore by Lana Del Rey while reading this chapter.#

"You don't tell me what is love. I don't love her!" Draco yells as he whipped his sweat from his head with his shirt. "Oh really, then shy did you feel bad when you sold her to him. Don't tell me that you didn't get in her pants. You piece of shit!" Daniel yelled once again. "Yeah I felt bad because she trusted me and I failed. I failed her like how I usually fail people. Don't give me a lecture when you're the one that failed her. You treat her poorly she is your sister! I hate her, I hate her so so much that I love her!" he once again screamed. He punched Dan again until he realised what he just said.

"Enough both of you!" I yell and seperate them.Draco was covered in blood, his lips and nose were bleeding. I hold him while Dan had to stand up by himself. "Choose your side sister. Me or him? Remember what he have done to you." he declared. I'm scared of Daniel, Draco never hit me but Daniel did. He never kicked me while Daniel did. Draco just don't know how to show any feelings while Dan doesn't have a soul. I swear I will help him but now I don't wanna be around him. "I surely can't choose you Dan, I'm sorry..." I decided on what I wanted. Draco hugged me while Dan giggled and run to the boys dormitory. I held Draco's hand and run with him to the headboys bathroom.

"Why? Why didn't you choose him and choose me!" he yelled. I just giggled. "I tried I really tried. Told myself that I hate you, told myself that Daniel is my brother and I should be sticking with him. But he scares me. He kicked me and beated me up, he doesn't have a soul. But you just don't know what to feel." I explained as he sat down to the corner of the sink. "Wait did that bastard touch you?" he asked with the anger in his voice. I nodded my head and looked away. "He will fucking die, I will kill him! He touched you, he beated you oh god I will kill him painfully." he declared. When he stand up to go to him I stopped. "Malfoy, you know that he doesn't have a soul. I just wanna get over everything." I tell him and he stops the struggle. He traces his fingers on my skin. He holds me from my waist and pulls me closer to his body. He gets closer to my neck. I can feel his breath on my neck, the expensive cologne of his, he slowly wraps his other hand on my neck and gets my neck closer to him.

"I'm sorry, I manipulated you and I tortured you emotionally." he apologised. He slowly put his lips on my skin. He slowly started to suck the skin of my neck. "Malfoy you're covered in blood." I talk but he made unable to think straight. He slowly moved his lips to my chin while he gived me small kisses. "You have taken my soul over Mentynn. I can't try to stay away from you anymore." he whispers as he puts his lips on mine. He slowly sucks the upper lip of mine. I respond fast and as he kisses me he gives me small bites. "I hate you Malfoy." I say while I seperate our lips. A few tears dropped from my green eyes. My mascara was all over my face. "I hate you too Mentynn. You are painfully beautiful. You have bewitched me, body and soul." he explains as I get lost at his ocean blue eyes. "Wait, is that from Pride and Prejeduce?" I ask with a smile. "You told me that you like the way that muggles write romance so I searched for the best one and I may have readed that book already." he explains. A smile appeared on my face, he had bruises and a bloody eyebrow with a bloody nose. I put my lips on his as a few kisses later, it started to become more intense.

"Wait cockroach what about just being friends." he asks me. Is he joking or what? "We just kissed and you think that we're just friends? Are you stupid or what?" I rage at him. He rolls his eyes and looks away. "I'm not but I'm just not ready for a relationship. We can hangout and everything but I'll not just make you my girl." he explains. Of course he's not ready, he never is. He always is not ready while I just try and try. "Don't tell me that you made Pansy your girlfriend who cheated on you by the way and who you don't like, but you refuse me who you love. Its exhausting you know. You betrayed me you lied to me you tricked me but still, you say that you don't want me? Unbelievable, you are just a liar." I yell at him. He looks away.

"I'm not saying I don't want you, I'm just saying that I'm not ready for a relationship especially with you. Pansy was just a distraction but with you, it is just too serious for me. Elora I thought you would be the one that could understand me the most. I'm not someone who can be trusted and you know that. Yeah sure I like you but I know that we would be too serious because I liked you. Pansy wasn't like you. She didn't make me overthink." he says like its a normal thing. Who does he think he is. He can't just play with me like I'm a goddamn toy, I have feelings too. "So the reason why you don't want me is that you like me too much? Draco what you're saying is ridiculous. I'm sorry but you're not someone to easily handle, you're not easy either so don't say that I'm the problem while the whole time you were the one that ran..." I yelled at him once again but I tell the truth.

(Sorry for the pride and prejudice thing, I really thought I did something there.)

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