Chapter 28.

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"Well, Draco and I did the dirty and I slept at his dorm anyway, today he totally ignored me and he said that I was stupid to think that he loved me. I gave him my first Celeste." I say abd she awkwardly shakes her head. "Well it might be cliche for me to say but as I always remember, love makes us weak. When you stop getting attached to people you can easily control your own power and you will never feel weekness. I learned that from aunt Bellatrix. And it is true. It just blind your true potential."

She said to me. Of course she would say that. There is no color in her life but me, I have all the shades in my dearest life. I believe that everything can get well soon but I just don't understand why he's like that. It feels like we're both in a circle that keeps going and repeating. I trust him and he betrayes me, we are always a losing game. I don't even know if I'm drowning him or I just found myself in him. Both ways, I hate that. Maybe Dan was always right, Draco doesn't deserve me and I deserve better.

I really wanna talk with Draco but I'm just afraid what he could say at me. I was about to knock his door but I heard a giggle from inside. "Draco stop!" a giggle voice was filling the whole room. I casted to unlock the door and it was Karin and Draco. "Hey Elora!" Karin said and my eyes started to fill in with tears. Draco's face dropped. He stand up and walked towards me. He tried to touch my hand but I yelled "Don't touch me!" I suppose Karin wonders what the hell is going on. "Elora we already talked about it." Draco said.

"Oh really? Draco you realise what you took from me right? And the way that you act drives me mad, so fricking mad! You act like I didn't bonded you at all and all sudden you hook up with my cousin. You're just a liar and honestly I pity you. I pity that no one will love you the same way. You'll lose everything in your life because you are broken." tears fell down from my emerald green eyes. Draco looks like he actually regrets it but he's manipulating me probably. "Goodbye Draco! I don't want to ever see you again..." I say with pain in my voice. I turn back, he didn't do anything, I guess this is really the end. I ran out crying, he didn't follow me, he closed the goddamn door. I don't know what to do, I don't wanna go to my dorm back.

I ran to the dungeon's corridor and collapsed on the cold wall. I hate myself and him, I hate that I can't hate Draco. Maybe there is somewhere that he actually cares about me. I hope so. Loving him is a losing game, and I am the game here. I can't stay here for god's sake. I teleported to the Malfoy manor, ugh I'm so stupid, now I'll remember Draco more. "It is a suprise to see you here daughter." I heard Voldemort's voice. "You are going through a dark term Elora, remember I still can travel in your mind." he said. Of course he can, he'll always be a part of me. "I need a distraction, anything really." I said with hesitation. He laughed. " You might be useful with something, talk with Bellatrix." he said. I shaked my head, I walked to the end of the corridor and Bellatrix exit the left room. "Oh its Elora isn't it?" she got closer to me and asked.

I nod my head. She looked sad and she started to laugh. "The next attack is in 2 hours, we decided that little kids shouldn't be running around but, your last work was impressive little girl." she said with a sarcastic tone. "Now go change, you can look at Celeste's wardrobe." she said and walked away. I walked to Celeste's room and she has a terrible taste in fashion. She is such an emo girl with gothic clothes. I weared the long dress with lace and fishnets. I walked downstairs and there were death eaters standing up. They all started to teleport.My god we were gonna attack the bank and steal a few stuff. I teleported there too, they were all running around, blocking the enterance and destroying stuff while some got in the cages that money are hold in.

I destroyed a few doors and broke some glass. "Little kid, we're done, start your little fire!" I heard Bellatrix Lestrange yell. I closed my eyes and I casted a flame going through my whole body and I directed the energy to everywhere. This time a blue flmae surrounded the whole building as everyone ran for their lifes and teleport. I was the only one that didn't left. I don't know whats happening but I can't stop casting fire. The whole building was on fire. I slowly felt my legs going high, it just felt like I was in the air. I can't control whats happening. A string of light raised to the air and I don't remember what happened but the dark mark raised on the air. I could finally control my body and I teleported back at the manor.

My nose, my hands and my ears, they were all bleeding. I casted a whole fire without using my wand, it honestly scared me soo much. I saw everyone staring at me. Narcissa Malfoy got closer to me and hold my arm making it easier to stand up. "Take it easy come with me darling." I heard her voice while she carried me.

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