Chapter 37. 𝙎𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚

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*After the echo comes play lovely  its worth it. And repeat it over and over.*

We walked to the stairs to think which combination would lead the way. "I think its 2 lefts 1 right and 2 lefts." I say to him. There's a few seconds for the stairs to turn again. "No I think its all left I really don't know." he replies to me and I smile. "Look after 1 lefts there is a Slytherin sign and after a right there is a Hufflepuff sign. And after 3 lefts there is a Ravenclaw sign. Which means a floor thats between Ravenclaw and Slytherin that we need. And that door is at the exact middle." I explain proudly and he studder. "I didn't know that you were this clever Mentynn good job." He tells me and we slowly do my restrictions.

"Can't you walk fast we'll miss the stairs." He complains. "Honestly you were too rough on me, I'm suprised that I can still walk." I say at him and a devilish smile appears on his face. I finally catch him up hardly and I try to unlock the door. "Are you dumb, Alahomora." he casts the unlocking spell and opens the door. We enter the dark room. We both cast lumos and look around. "There it is. Its on the golden case." he says and I touch the necklace. It burned my finger and I screamed. "Are you okay?" He asks me and I nod my head meaning no. My hand still hurts too much. He uses his wand to look around the case.

"Shit it says something in latin. Quod commune tangit eam viventem, condemnabitur in sempiternum ipsi et so non prius accidit. Hic est Slytherin Tanya animam meam." He reads it out loud.

"Which unholy creature touches it, they will be damned forever if it already hasn't happened. Here lays Tanya Slytherin's soul." I translate the sentence since I share a mind with the latin nerd Tom Riddle.

"But you already have a curse in you, no offense by the way." he says to me.

"Non taken. It caunts me as a unholy creature and since I'm cursed I can be the only one to carry. You're a death eater too which makes you unholy but you don't have serious curses on you so it makes you vulnerable. I'll wear it until we arrive to Voldemort." I suggest to him and he nods. I grab the necklace as my flesh burnes I try sooo hard not to scream with pain. "Open the damn portal Malfoy!" I yell at him and I scream more and more. My skin turns into red and melts. We teleport to the Malfoy Manor and I throw the necklace at the table. It slides to Voldemort and he smiles. I start to cry because of the pain. Draco hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Don't wear it." I tell to Voldemort and he looked terrified for what happened to me. "Cast helio to my skin right now Malfoy." I yell at Draco as my tears continued. He castes helio and my skin starts to heal and I feel better. I think Voldemort will transfer Tanya's soul to himself to feel completed. I must do something to get Daniel's soul back. "If you transfer it to yourself you will die because you have Daniel's soul in you too." I lie to him, I hope I will trick him. " Call me my lord." he orders me. I can't take him seriously when he looks like a teenager.

Make him wear it then cast a deadly spell.

I heard a voice echo in my mind. Oh hell no.
Voldemort just laughed. "Yes Elora is telling the truth. We readed a something on the case of it. It said about multiple souls." Draco supports me. He looks confused at me. He literally just lied for me. "Fine, give me an object and I'll transfer it after I wear the necklace." he agrees and a smile appears on my face.

He's lying and you know it. Don't be a fool.

I heard the same voice again. "That doesn't work like that. It would destroy all your little soul things including me." I disagree with him. I really just risked everything according to a voice in my head. Great. "Fine give me something." he wines. I smile and hand my  bracelet to him. He points his wand to his heart and draws an S with his wand, he yells and takes away something from his chest and puts it in the bracelet. He hands me the bracelet and I carefully put it in my pocket.

He laughs and takes the necklace on his hands, observes it and wears it on his neck. "Stupid girl. Do you really think that I would give away a young soul. Yeah I did but I'm going to get all of his soul after I will kill him. I will kill every single muggle and mudblood when I finally learn where the remains are. Thank you for your service. Oh by the way after I get all this power, I will get your soul too, I will live forever!" he laughs. "What? You can't I am a part of you. You won't kill Dan either." I tell him but he just laughed.He starts to scream and burn like I did. I saw a women figure next to him. She had golden eyes and golden hair but she looked like a corpse.

She looked dead and I screamed with fear.  I can't let him find the demon remains, or he's going to destroy the world. I'm not a hero but I certainly am selfish. I'm selfish that I want to save my friends and Draco, I even want to save my idiotic brother. If he dies I'll die with him. Betraying Voldemort means death but its for them and maybe I'll live. I somehow trust the echo inside of me. It looked like the woman waits for me to order her. He crawls to the floor and I look at Draco he looked terrified. "Make Dan wear this." I give him the bracelet. He looked like he was trying to understand what happens.

"Don't tell me that you're going to do that!" he yells at me. "I hate the fact that I love you, and for that I'm going to let every one of you go. I'm sorry but its the only way."

"No, what the hell are you taking about?"

"Draco I fucking love you and I don't want any of you guys dead. I have to do this. After this you're going to be free. After Dan haves his soul back take the bracelet, I want you to have it. Remember me whenever you look at it. You thought me how to love and hate. I hate you and I love you so much Draco Malfoy. I will never let you go remember my promise." I say and kiss him. He kisses me as we both cry.

"Elora we can find a way please just don't!" he begs me as he hugs me. "If even there is, he already heard everything." I say to him and he kisses my cheeks.

"He is the Heir of Slytherin. After Tanya kills him she'll come after me too. I am the Heir of Slytherin as well. She'll come for me after I order her to kill him. Goodbye Draco. Tell that asshole he's always going to be my dear brother and I never stopped loving him. And tell my roommate and Selina that I'm sorry that I had to do this before we even became best friends. And tell yourself that I always loved you and I always will." I tell him and he couldn't let me go. "Draco please I have to do this since he's vulnerable right now." I tell him as my tears dropped harder. "No no please don't I love you please don't." he beggs me.

I push him and he lets me go finally. I hold my wand on the air.

Draco's Pov
I loved her and now I'll lose her I have to do something about it. I don't wanna lost her at all. She's the only person I have ever cared for, she's the only person I loved. She looked back at me for a second again and our eyes meet. She whispered "Avada Kadavra." she casted the unforgivable curse and smiled at me. A green lightened on her wand and Voldemort collapsed on the wooden floor. "Noooo Elora!" I yell as Elora fainted on the floor. I ran to her and her nose started to bleed like it did when we were at the chamber.

I cleaned her blood with my black suit. Please please don't die Elora. "Please don't leave me Elora Katherine Mentynn. I love you please don't." I whisper but it is too late. I cry as loud as possible probablyc. Why did she have to leave me? Why did she had to die? Why couldn't I stop it?

I'm literally so so sorry you guys. I think that it had to be done. Don't worry the story will be still 40 chapters I think. I literally am depressed because of the fact that I just killed the main character. But that was my plan all along. Maybe I could have done it later on but ai think it was the perfect timing. Don't worry, if you decide to stop reading from now on, please decide after reading the next chapter. I feel so bad that I killed Elora but it had to be done. Please please please leave your opinion on here so I can learn what you guys think.

Heir of Slytherin  ~𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠𝕪~Where stories live. Discover now