Entry 11- Ghosts |Supernatural|

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"Dean! You need to focus." Sam shouted as they stopped at one of the mirrors in the haunted house.

"I can't, there are literally ghosts everywhere in here Sam!" Dean shouted back.

Sam sighed as he cocked his shotgun loaded with the salt bullets. "Dean we have hunted ghosts since the beginning, now is not the time to be afraid of them." Sam turned to Dean as Dean froze up.

"Sam." Dean said.

"What is it now?" Sam demanded getting irritated.

"Behind you!" Sam whirled around just a ghost wielding an axe and covered in blisters swung at him. Sam fired the salt rounds into the ghost as it exploded, and Dean froze there holding his shotgun unable to move.

He didn't even have a reasoning for this. Ghosts had been one of the simplest things for them to hunt. They were so easy compared to other things.

All you had to do was find the bones or whatever they are attached to then salt and burn them. Dean had been on so many cases with ghosts and he couldn't describe why the fear was seizing at him and consuming him.

He couldn't explain it. He had made so many ghosts move on but now he couldn't even move when that ghost attacked.

"Dean you need to figure out what the fuck is going on and fix it." Sam told Dean as he sighed and put another salt round in his shotgun and coked it back.

"I don't know what's going on." Dean muttered as he looked around holding his shotgun to him. He looked around the mirrors of the haunted house despising being here. Haunted houses were terrible, especially on Halloween.

Halloween was prime territory for ghosts. Their jobs spiked considerably around September and October. Everything was out causing terror. It was supposed to be a simple case of salt and burn but now the two brothers were trapped in the haunted house trying to get out.

The ghost had locked them down in here. The moment the doors had locked fear had set in Dean he couldn't find out why. Sam sighed as he shook his head before motioning for Dean to follow him. The two set out in the haunted house once more.

They walked through checking everywhere for the ghost.

"So far we know he is an axe wielding maniac and is covered in blisters so I'm guessing pretty violent death." Sam suggested and Dean nodded.

The two continued looking around the haunted house. Dean opened a door to another room and entered. Just as he entered it the door slammed shut.

"Sam!" Dean shouted pulling on the door, but it had locked.

"Dean where are you!" Sam shouted.

"I'm in the room! It locked." Dean shouted and Sam banged on the door and tried to open it.

"The ghost is splitting us apart." Sam said.

"No shit you bitch." Dean responded.

"Calm down jerk." Sam responded and Dean took a deep breath.

He has done this before, and he knew he could do it again. Dean turned around. "Okay, so the plan is to find this ghost and put it to rest. Once it's put to rest all the doors should unlock since the ghost is what is doing this, do you get that Dean?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." Dean responded as he looked around the room as shivers went up. His breath had been turning into fog for a while but now he watched more closely.

Sam and Dean officially split after that to look for the ghost. Relief flooded Dean when he found a passage that was unlocked. He was quick down it refusing to look in any of the mirrors.

He continued down the passage while keeping his finger on the trigger. He looked around every now and then for the ghost. "All you have to do is find his bones and salt and burn them bitches." Dean muttered to himself.

"If they are even in here." Dean sighed.

Things were not working well. Dean shook his head before continuing down the passage as he turned and held his shotgun up. "This is the last haunted house I do." Dean muttered as he carried on.


The haunted house was a maze. Dean quickly found himself lost and terror seizing in once more. He hated the feeling of it slithering up his throat and seizing him. 

But when he felt the terror, he saw his breath appear before him. Even through his blind fear he saw what was going on. The ghost was causing fear in people. And it was clearly putting all its efforts into Dean before it would kill him and move onto Sam next.

Before the fear could completely seize at him Dean cocked his shotgun and fired at the ghost just as he raised his axe to swing at him. He burst upon contact as Dean ran and kicked in a door and Sam jumped.

"It's the ghost, he's doing this fear thing on us. He's no doubt attached to something here and we need to burn it now." Dean said and Sam nodded.

The two scurried throughout the haunted house keeping their guns up and ready to fire. They ended up finally finding a skeleton with an axe next to him. "This it?" Sam asked and Dean nodded.

Sam covered the skeleton in salt as Dean dumped the gasoline. He saw his breath just as he lit his lighter and the ghost charging him down screaming while wielding his axe. Dean froze the fear already sinking into him.

Sam snatched the lighter right from his hand and threw it at the bones and axe as it went up in flames. The ghost burst into flames just as Sam lit the skeleton up as Dean felt the feeling return to his body and he drew in a breath as Sam looked over at him.

"You weren't kidding, were you?" Sam asked and Dean shook his head.

"Next time we take Castiel or Jack with us for vengeful fear inducing ghost." Dean said and Sam laughed.

"Let's hope there isn't a next time for a ghost like this." Sam said as he sat down and took a deep breath and smiled at his brother. 


1030. And here is the supernatural one! Hope you guys enjoyed! ***

 And here is the supernatural one! Hope you guys enjoyed! ***

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