Entry 25- The Basement |Adventure|

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Adalynn hated Halloween. Ever since she was a child and every birthday party of hers was forced to be Halloween themed. Since moving out she rarely celebrated Halloween. The most she did was keep candy for any kids that wandered towards her house.

Adalynn thought this Halloween would be a typical Halloween, but when she saw the flash of a woman figure outside, she knew it wouldn't be.

"Who is possibly outside?" Adalynn asked to no one as she opened the blinds and stopped upon seeing the woman clearly. "You got to be kidding me." Adalynn said as she saw the blood leaking out from her neck.

The woman looked over as Adalynn stared. Then she disappeared making Adalynn shut the blinds right after that and lock the door. Adalynn didn't do anything that involved the supernatural. She stayed far away from it.

Adalynn went into the kitchen and took down some salt before salting her windows and doorway. "I should just go to bed." Adalynn murmured as she began walking towards her room before pausing.

"It's dark down here."

Adalynn looked over at her basement door fear hitting her. She slowly approached the basement. She was conflicted between going downstairs, running to her room, and hiding.

"Would you mind turning on the light, I'm not fond of the dark."

Adalynn froze up before she backed away and shook her head. "Not today Satan." Adalynn muttered as she went straight to her room not bothering to mess around with whatever happened to be in her basement.

Adalynn shut her door and locked it right after. "This is not happening; I'm just hearing voices." Adalynn told herself as she began to self-soothe. 

Adalynn shook her head before going into the bathroom and taking a nice hot shower. She stayed in there for an extra fifteen minutes. Fear still coursed through her as she heard something moving in the basement.

After her shower Adalynn got out and wrapped herself in her robe before going over to her bed and laying down. After making sure her hair was dry, she put on her undergarments before sinking into her bed desperate for Halloween to be over with.


It was only in the middle of the night did Adalynn realize her mistake of not blocking off the basement. She managed to fall asleep before around two in the morning before she heard the door to the basement open.

Adalynn froze in bed as the basement door creaked and swung open bumping against the wall. Adalynn stiffened as footsteps came up to her room before she watched as the doorknob twisted open.

Adalynn pulled the blanket over her but peeked out as the door opened. Her eyes flickered over as she saw a tall figure enter the room. Her hands shook lightly as the figure shut the door before she saw a pale hand flick on the lights.

"I really am not an enthusiastic fan of the dark. It's one thing when it's outside, it's peaceful outside but in these manmade structures I'm not fond of it." 

The voice was a velvety deep tone. It was so smooth yet had a deep tone to it. Adalynn froze as she heard the footsteps coming closer to her bed.

"Aw, she's sleeping." The voice cooed before she felt a cool hand push the blanket away. Adalynn shut her eyes right after that. A finger touched her cheek. She heard him inhale before speaking, "I know you're not asleep little human. I can hear your heart racing." 

Adalynn's eyes opened right after that as they locked on bright blue eyes staring at hers. Adalynn looked up as he smiled at her his nail tracing her cheek before he pulled back.

"Hello little human." He murmured smiling at her as Adalynn stared at him in terror.

He was tall. Much taller than her, but that wasn't much of an accomplishment. Adalynn had been cursed with shortness. His ears were pointed into tips and his pupils were dilated into slits. Black tattoos swirled around his hands and in two lines on his face.

Adalynn remained still and silent as the tip of his nail on his index finger traced her cheek before he removed it. 

He pulled back and smiled at her. "It's been such a long time Adalynn, hasn't it?" He asked.

"How do you know my name?" Adalynn managed that out as he smiled at her.

"Aw, you don't remember me." He continued rubbing her cheek before standing up to his full height as Adalynn backed up.

"Let me jog your memory, my name is North, and you and I were incredibly good friends when you were a child. But you see I can't come out of my realm very often, but the border was split today, so I decided to visit you." North smiled at her.

He smiled as he leaned back down.

"We're going to have so much fun together Adalynn. I've missed so much and can't wait to catch up."

829. North is an Unseelie fae. Fae tend to befriend children and he's held onto his friendship with Adalynn. Hope you guys enjoyed this one. Also I've been having this big urge to write a trashy romance novel called 'Her Witchy Boyfriend' so yeah. That's fun. ***


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