xxxxi. John B

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He cried himself to sleep, that night. Isis listened to him, comforted him, cuddled his head as she whispered some sweet words. And finally, his arms around her waist, his head resting on her belly, he seemed to find peace.

"I'm sorry," he said in a whisper once silence had fallen around them.

"What for?" asked Isis gently.

"... Being me, I guess. I-- I know I'm not the boy of your dreams. And sometimes I feel like I'm holding you back."

"From what, honey?" she said with tears in her voice.

"From a better life. You know I'll always be stuck here. And I don't want you to be stuck with me."

She let out a sad laugh.

"What...?" asked JJ.

"You're just being so silly, honey," she replied, wiping her tears away.

JJ frowned and looked up at her, bringing his face closer to hers. They stared at each other for a while. Isis ran her fingers through his hair.

"I need you to listen to me," she said pinching his chin between her fingers. "When I'm near you, I... I just feel like there's flowers growing in my chest. I love you. Cause you put sunlight in my heart. And nothing could ever change that. No one could ever make me feel this way... No one except you, JJ. I didn't choose to fall in love with you. But it happened, and I still think it was meant to be. Cause I believe with all my heart that no one could love me better than you. And... I'm happy about that. I truly am."

JJ drew a soft smile on his face. Wiping her tears away with his thumbs, he leaned over to kiss her between her bright eyes.

"Thanks," he said.

"For what?" she asked with a giggle.

"Being you," he replied. "Loving me the way you do."

She tied her fingers to his. They shared a soft kiss. JJ grabbed her tighs to straighten her up. Isis stuck her nails in the bottom of his back and lifted his t-shirt. JJ did the same with her, brushing her waist with his fingertips. She immediatly felt the warmth of his body against hers and sighed. JJ kissed every inch of her sunny skin. Isis liked it, but something prevented her from taking things further.

"JJ..." she whispered as he was going down. "Wait."

"What?" he asked looking up at her.

"I-- I can't," she said. "I mean, I want to... I think. But not now. Not tonight. Please."

JJ smiled at her and dropped a kiss on her lips.

"Of course, babe," he replied. "Whenever you want."

She thanked him with a smile. They shared another kiss, before he rested his head on her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair, while he was softly stroking her skin. They fell asleep together.

They spent the next day in bed. They needed to be just the two of them. They didn't know what Kie and Pope could be doing, but to be honest, they didn't really care.

They didn't talk about what happened that night. JJ didn't seem to care at all. Just for that, Isis knew he was the one.

When they finally went out of the room, Kie and Pope were trying to settle the pulley on a branch. JJ sat on the edge of the hot tub, and Isis joined them to help. They spent more than an hour on that, but finally Isis got to try it. She settled inside the huge bucket and waited for her friends to lift her up.

"How's it feeling?" asked Pope as she looked down.

"Pretty good," she said. "I think it's successful. Well done to us!"

She raised her hands to applause but quickly catched the cables because of the unsteadiness.

"Fuck," she grumbled. "It's okay!"

Kie shook her head with a chortle. Isis gave her the middle finger.

"Okay, I'm taking you down."

They brought her down.

"John B pullin' a Houdini," JJ said from the hot tub.

"Yeah, where is he?" asked Pope as Kie helped Isis get out of the bucket. "I got my scholarship interview tomorrow, we gotta get this done!"

And this is the moment JB chose to show up.

"Speak of the devil. Hey!" greeted JJ. "Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything."

"No he did not," replied Pope. "I did that."

"Hey, John B!" said Isis. "Where were you?!"

But he didn't reply, and went straight into the house. Isis shared a confused look with the others.

"Uh... what's that all about?" asked Pope.

"I was gonna ask you the same question," said JJ getting out of the hot tub.

Isis rushed inside, quickly followed by her friends.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked.

But, again, no answer. John B was searching something through all the drawers ans cupboards of the house, and seemed pretty upset.

"You all right, man?" asked Pope joining them.

"What are you looking for??" inquired Kie.

John B quickly walked past them and lifted the cushions of the sofa.

"Bro, what's going on?" asked JJ.

Isis frowned. John B finally straightened, holding the gun in his hand. She ran to him.

"John B, put this down! What is going on?! Tell us something!!"

She tried to hold him back, but he grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look him in the eyes.

"Wow, easy, bro!" JJ made a step forward, but Pope held him.

"Why didn't you tell me anything??" John B shouted at Isis.

She started, scared by the anger in his voice. She easily understood what he was talking about.

"I-- I didn't know until yesterday... I wanted to tell you!! I swear, as soon as I knew about it, I-- John B, please!!"

He violently pushed her away and walked out of the house. JJ immediatly checked on her.

"You okay?!"

"I-- I'm fine," she said, shaking. "We need to catch him up!"

JJ took her hand and they walked out with Pope and Kie. John B got on the motorcycle and started the engine.

"John B, what the hell?!" shouted Kie.

"Ward knows about the gold!" he replied, on the verge of tears. "He killed my dad."

"Wait!" called Isis. "Please!"

But he went away. She took her head in her hands and let out a loud sob. JJ wrapped his arms around her.

"This is all my fault..." she cried.

"No, Iz, it isn't," Kie protested. "You found out yesterday... You couldn't have guessed."

"But he left... he left with the gun! He's going to do something really dangerous. I'm scared..."

JJ kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, honey. We'll find him before he gets there."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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