Dinner Date (Lisa POV)

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It's 8.00pm and I have a dinner date with tzuyu at Te'amo restaurant which belongs to her uncle's family. Before you guys made a wrong assumption Tzuyu is just 1 of my flings and we never really planning to be in a relationship. She always available whenever I need accompany.

This is my second time having dinner in this restaurant. And I was kind of 15 minutes late knowing how pressure I was with my work in the office. So I just need someone to distract me from a stressful day. It seems like Tzuyu is already seated and she looks bored as she stared at the menu.

"Darling you're late. I almost left" she complained. And I just grin to her knowing it's my fault. "I'm sorry, my works just keep hanging on me, its tiring, let me treat you dinner tonight, anything" I said while taking a seat. "Anything? Including you?" She teased. I just smirk at her cause I know what she meant. We stay quiet for a while, checking at the menu.

A few moments later tzuyu's phone is ringing and she is excusing herself, going somewhere out of my sight. Meanwhile I was sitting alone listening to the soothing sounds of a piano that was being played live in the restaurant. I don't know why but it makes me calm. It felt like taking a medicine and suddenly I feel better.

I felt curious. I want to know who actually playing the piano. So I look around to find the piano and for a moment my world stop. I saw a beautiful girl. Her skin is glowing while she's touching the music instrument, she has this magical aura that attracting me to her. I didn't realized I was staring at her for long until tzuyu interupting by waving her hand infront of my face.

"Hey I called you so many times" Tzuyu whined. "I'm sorry I was just looking at that pianist, she's good at it" I replied with amusement print on my face. "Well lisa, if you think you want to make her one of you flings, that's not gonna happen! she's blind" Tzuyu explained. I was surprised by her statement and I glance at the pianist one more time. "She's amazing" I added. "She's temporary here, her uncle, our actual pianist is currently on vacation so she's here to replace him" I just nodded as a response.

Dinner date with tzuyu was okey but I can't help myself but keep glancing at the pianist whenever I had a chance. There are times where I didn't catch what tzuyu said cause I was too mesmerized by that blind pianist and it caught my attention the most tonight. Its amusing to know she played the piano so well eventhough she's blind.

Time has passed, the restaurant is almost close but I'm still here glued to my seat as if I'm waiting for a chance to maybe talk to the pianist but it will be disrespectful to tzuyu. Well I should just forget about this cause this is not going to work, afterall I'm not sure if I need it. This might be a feeling of curiousity and not something else. I convinced myself.

So I went home and slept with my 4 kids.

Its Leo, Luca, Lily and Louie. My cats.

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