Operation Day (Lisa POV)

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After attending so many doctor's appointments, finally the day where jennie going to get her eyes surgery is here. She's currently lying in the hospital's bed holding my hand. I'm sitting next to her and constantly checking on my watch. In few hours time jennie will be send to an operation room. I'm so nervous that I can't even form a words to talk. It just blank.

"Hon I'm scared" Jennie broke the silence, her nervous expression is pretty evident. I gently squeezed her hand and started to talk "Hey, everything is going to be okay, Dr.Elly is one of the best doctor out there, I believe she will do her best" I try to encouraged jennie but it didn't help. She still looks nervous. I kissed at the back of her hand and continued with my words. "Honey soon you're going to see my face. Hope you're not disappointed. I'm afraid I might not passed your expection" She burst in laugh and tears started to form in her eyes. For some reason, I felt guilty for putting her in this spot but I try to stay positive cause this is just temporary. I shed the tears that falling on her cheeks. "Honey, I love you, please don't cry. I promise to stay here with you til the end of your operation" I try my best to comfort jennie. I kiss her back hand again. And caresses her face.

Few moments later wendy joined us. She bought some foods to share but I don't have any appetite to eat because nervousness took over me.

A nurse came to check on jennie's condition, I give her some space to do her job. Jennie you gotta be strong, you have to be. This is for your own benefit. I thought. "Hon?" jennie called me soon after the nurse left, she searched for my contact. Hurriedly I hold her hands and sit next to her. I started to caressing her hand to ease her tension.

"Honey, do you remember the other day I said that I want to watch titanic movie?" I try to distract jennie from being anxious. She nodded to my question. "once you can see, lets watch it together, there are many movies I would like to recommend to you, especially the one that have intimate scene in it" I blurted. She laugh a little listening to my words.

"Once you can see, we could cuddle while watching a movie, and then we could go shopping together, go to the saloon together, oh, kiss under the sunset will be romantic" I continued. She just smiles while listening to my words.

"Ms. Jennie.. I'm sorry but it's time" the nurse came back interupting us. There are 3 nurses getting ready to push jennie's bed. I started to panic as I got up from the seat. But I'm still holding jennie's hand.

The nurse then push jennie's bed heading to the operation room. I don't want to leave jennie alone yet, so I keep on standing by her side while holding her hand as her bed is being pushed. "Honey see you later, I love you" I said one last time before the operation door separate us apart. Jennie stays quiet. I assumed she's too nervous.

But never would I've thought..

It's going to be the last time I'm holding her hands.

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