The Explanation (Lisa POV)

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This is my second time at jennie's house and It felt like home. Its so comfortable that I forgot how fucked up I was out there. I was sitting in the kitchen while watching jennie making a coffee. It amused me everytime seeing her doing her stuff. She knows exactly where she put the pot, cup, teaspoon and everything. I miss her so much that I didn't even break my eyes from looking at her.

"Lisa you are so quiet, please say anything" she broke the silence while boiling the water. She sounds calm while her back was facing me. "Jennie.. I know you must be worried and probably angry at me too. Since I have been absent for 5 days straight. But please believe me it wasn't intentional. I do want to see you again after we had dinner together that day" I stay silent for a few seconds before I continue explaining "I'm actually an adopted daughter that is entitled as a CEO at my step parents company, they raised me since I was a kid, and its hard to say no to my step mother knowing I owed them alot. And.. Few days ago I made a huge mistake that almost affecting our company.. She got so mad that she scolded me for my careless act.. And due to that, she punished me. She assigned me a heavy task, she ordered me to handle a project and I must complete within 5 days. I really want to call you jennie but my mom keeps on monitoring me, not just that, I don't want to cause any harm to my employees. So I keep it as a serious matter.. Jennie.. I'm so sorry that I did this to you. But.. I understand if you want me to stop seeing you.." I was in a verge of crying. I was so sad thinking about the idea of letting her go, but I don't want to hurt her with my complicated life style either.

Jennie turned around and brought two cups of coffee to my direction. She sits in front of me and smile a little "thanks for explaining, that's more than enough to me lisa, I'm sorry it must be hard for you" suddenly I broke into tears, but I keep it silence, I don't want jennie to know that I was crying. I'm vulnerable when its jennie. "how do you know if I'm saying the truth?" I asked. "Lisa I may be blind but I have sense, I know you are genuine" her statement just make me feel even worse. For some reason I'm glad that she's blind. Atleast she won't see my devastated states.

"Have you had your dinner?" She asked. My stomach made a sounds on the right time. I was embarrased but she was laughing "Well I assumed you haven't eat yet, I made bibimbap earlier maybe we could share" she offered. "that sounds so good" I smile and my eyes follows jennie that is currently taking out the food from the fridge.

A moment later, we eat together and I was so happy that I could taste jennie's cooked food again. Felt like I'm the luckiest person ever. Why would I exaggerate things like this. It's just a food though. "This is so delicious, I could eat this everyday" I told jennie. "I'm glad you like it, I can make it for you, just buy the ingredients and pay me $10" I laughed at her teased. Never thought she could tease too. She learned it from me I guess.

"Umm jennie.. you free this weekend?" I brace myself to asked jennie. I was actually planning to bring her to the theme park, I need to have a moments with her. "yes.. I'm free, why is that lisa?" she replied. Her smirk.. I swear if she keep on doing that I might end up kissing her.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

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