Jennie's Home (Lisa POV)

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This is my first time going to jennie's place. I'm so curious on how's her life as a blind person. But from the way she handle things in the flower shop I can tell she's very independent. I just got to know she lives alone but wendy come to pay her visit everyday to make sure she's alright.

And the flower shop was actually belongs to jennie's late parents. Since jennie is blind so wendy help her manage the flower shop together. They're literally like siblings.

"Welcome to my humble house, please be comfortable" Jennie was so excited that I came to have a dinner with them. Her house is so cute. It's a banglo with a yellow paint and red roof tiles. The moment I entered her place there's a fluffy dog barking and coming to get a hug from jennie. "kuku! Do you miss me? I miss you too" jennie talked to her dog kuku and I'm just amused. I never see her using a cute voice and I swear it's the cutest.

"Please be comfortable and take a seat" wendy offered and I thanked her for that. Jennie's house is small but it gave me warm feelings. While sitting I saw jennie feeding her dog a food. She probably know so well with the structure of this house cause she knows where she is going. A moments later she came and standing infront of me. She began to talk "I've been living in this place since I was a kid. Sorry if it's stuffy and old" I was surprised. "No don't say that. I like it here! Really". Jennie smiled shortly and sit on the opposite chair infront of me. I then continued "your dog is so cute, i have pets too by the way. 4 cats" and she quickly responded "oh wow thats a lot! I wish I could see them" she sounds excited.

"I could introduce them to you if you want. How old is kuku?" I asked. "i would love to! Anyway Kuku, she's coming 4, I'm actually glad that I'm adopting a dog. I always feel lonely in this house. Though this place is small but when you lives alone.. the space seems so big" I feel bad for jennie cause I understand that feeling.

"Can I come here often then? Oh you promise me to play a piano, gotta keep it miss" I teased. Her gummy smile is showing and believe me that is the most beautiful smile from her ever! "Ofcourse you can come, whenever you want and yes! I'm going to play it right now" I watch her standing and walking towards the piano that is attached to the wall on my right side. The piano seems so old and rusty. And when she started to play, it reminds me of the first time I saw her.

She always managed to get my full attention when she play the piano. Maybe I should start buying a piano and put it in my apartment and then hire jennie as the pianist so I can hear it everyday before I go to sleep. Yup a stupid idea indeed.

"How was it?" she asked. "Amazing! I'm curious how can you play so well" I responded. "Actually I play piano since I was a kid, my mom send me to piano class often, so I kinda know which one is which" she explained with her beautiful smile.

The curiousity started to hit me again and carefully asked her "Jennie..umm I didn't mean to pry but are you like blind since you were born?.. I mean you don't have to answer if you don't want to"

"well.. I'm not originally blind.. I got hit by a motorcycle when I was 9. That's how I got blind. At first it was hard for me to accept the fact that I can't see but slowly I started to get adapt to it. Like now" she answered calmly. I feel bad for jennie I wish she could see the world again. She probably miss it.

"The doctor said I could see again but the bills for the operation is too expensive and my family couldn't afford it so I accept my fate" she continued. "Do you want to see again? I could help, maybe I could find you a fund and good doctor" I asked.

"Well.. I don't actually think about it anymore. I think this is my fate and I'm ready to accept it" she explained and small smile showed on her face.

Suddenly wendy called us for dinner. We are now sitting together in a kitchen enjoying our dinner while having a random conversation. It was nice.. Felt like I'm having a real family for the first time. I want to have another moment like this again. Here with jennie.

"Guys thanks for the dinner. It was really delicious, but it's already late, I think it's time for me to go"

Soon I bet them farewell and took one last chance glancing at jennie before I entered my car. Jennie is waving in the other direction and I just smile at her cute act. Today ended so well. I can't wait to see jennie again.

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