We're a couple (Lisa POV)

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I waited for jennie's response after I confessed my feelings. She put a soft smile and tears up upon listening to my confession. "Lisa I love you too" she admitted. I swear I'm the happiest person ever after knowing she felt the same. I took a chance to kiss on top of her hand as a sign of appreciation. Since she reciprocate my feelings.

"So we're like in a relationship now?" I just want to make sure if jennie is ready, and she nodded to my question. I was so happy that everything goes well. We took our last chance to just walk around at the theme park before we had a dinner.


"So I was planning to introduce you to a chili crab. It's one of thai food that you must try" I told jennie. We're now at a thai seafood restaurant and sadly its almost 8.00pm. I don't want this day to end. But time is ticking and I need to appreciate every possible moments that I had with jennie.

A few moments later our foods were served. And I'm being the gentle girlfriend trying my best helping jennie to crack the shell crab and feed her the meat. I'm glad she likes it, she ate a lot. Honestly she look so adorable when she eat. A smile never escape from my face whenever I look at her. She's the most precious human being ever.

After we finished our dinner, we head back to jennie's home. Ugh I don't want to let her go. If possible I still want to spend some time with her. Can we pause the time for a moment? I really want us to stay this way.

Soon, we arrived at her home. I kissed jennie's forehead one last time before I send her back in. "Thank you for spending time with me.. Today is the happiest moment in my life. I'll never forget" I told jennie. "You're welcome. Me too" she said with her soft smile. "You should get inside now and Jennie, I love you". I replied.

"I love you too. Drive safely" Jennie responded.


Few months we're together, there is no dull moments. I'm always happy to be with jennie. I'm so thankful to know how understanding she is. There are times I feel bad for her especially when I had a hectic schedule in office, means no time to see her. But I'm glad she's so supportive.

We haven't make love yet. We did kissed and cuddle. I know we're slow but I respect her so I was waiting for her to be ready.

My step parents never knows about us. I keep it as a secret cause I want to protect jennie. The only closed person that knows about this is betty, my secretary. She so happy for us. Betty always there to cover up my "missing in action" in office whenever someone is looking for me. Yup she did great so I raised her salary.


Never have I ever in mind trying to convince jennie to do an eyes operation not until something bad happened on my sight.

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