Doctor Appointment (Lisa POV)

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Today I spare some time accompanying my jennie for doctor appointment. I think I'm lucky enough to have a doctor friend that willing to help me checking on jennie's condition.

Few minutes left before the appointment and I'm super nervous. I know jennie feels the same, but I need to be tough for her. We're currently sitting outside at the hospital's hallway while waiting for our turn. I hold jennie's hand and intertwined our fingers. "Hey, everything will be okay, I promise to stay by your side all the time" I tried to comfort jennie. She just put a soft smile and nodded to my words. But her expression is transparent showing that she's anxious.

A few minutes later jennie's full name was called and I assisted jennie to the doctor room by side hugging her. We're now sitting infront of the doctor. "Lisa! how are you? Its been a while" My doctor friend, Elly asked. "I'm doing great, and happy with the love of my life here" I answered with a proud smile while side hugging and gently squeezing jennie's shoulder. I try my best to overcome the tense atmosphere. Dr. Elly smiled and nodded to my respond, she started to check the document infront of her desk. "So shall we start?" She asked. We both nodded to her question.

"So Ms. Jennie, I've seen your medical records and I'm going to say I'm positive that I could handle this case, lisa made a right decision to see me" Dr. Elly stated while fixing her spectacles. I hold jennie's hand and  squeez a little as a sign of comfort. We spend like 2 hours listening to Dr. Elly description regarding the operation prosedur. I'm so glad that everything goes smoothly. I even recorded important info. on my phone for future references. I gotta do my best to help jennie on this. I make sure to concentrate listening to Dr. Elly explanation for the entire session. Cause I'm the one who is going to assist jennie if she don't understand.


"Hon, I'm so hungryyyy" Jennie whined after we're done with the appointment. She sounded like a baby. "I'm sorry, what do you want to eat?" I asked. "Anything will do. Just take away and eat at your place" her expression looks kinda annoyed and tired after listening to Dr. Elly long explanation. I feel pity for her but she looks so cute with the way she act.

Later that day we arrived at my apartment, I help jennie unwrapping her foods while she's sitting infront of the kitchen table with her pouty face. She seems like sulking at me after the long appointment. I could only smile at her cute behaviour. I don't think I could ever be mad at her knowing how adorable she look right now. Few minutes later I give her a spoon and a fork. She started to dig in and eat her foods while I'm busy making her drinks. Few minutes later I sit next to her.

I let her eat peacefully. After quite some time I started to talk. "Hows the foods honey, is it good?" "hmm" she just humming as a respond. Her face is rather flat without emotion "Honey,  Are you mad at me?" I warily asked. "I'm just tired, I don't like listening to that doctor's explanation, her words..  Its hard to digest, I can't understand and its just so dry, I don't even know why I agreed to this in the first place" she let out her complains.

Honestly this is the first time she's so upset over something. "Honey I'm sorry if this is hard for you, but lets think about it.. Don't you want to see my face? Aren't you curious? Besides this is for your own sake. Just imagine, once you are able to see the world again, you don't have to bother wendy anymore. Not just that you can walk by yourself and meet me freely whenever you want. The most important part, you could avoid someone from bumping into you" I tried to make jennie stay positive.

She just stay quiet and her pouty face still appeared. "Honey, if you keep on making that face I swear you will end up naked in my bed" I threaten jennie. Shortly after hearing my words she started to bit her lower lips trying so hard to avoid smiling. "I mean I want to do it, if you are okay" I teased her again while smirking. Actually I meant it!

"You're such a pervert!" she shouted while smiling, her face is now blushing.

At the end, we ended naked in bed after intimate session.

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