Alone (Lisa POV)

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I'm currently sitting in the waiting area with wendy. It's been 1 hour since jennie  admitted to the operation room. I'm so freaking nervous, I stay silence the whole time while fidgeting my fingers. Once in a while I distract myself by walking back and forth at the waiting room. I pray so hard that everything will goes well with jennie's surgery.

I startled when my phone suddenly ringing. It's betty, my secretary. "Hello yes betty" I answered. "Boss where are you right now?" she asked. Her voice seems uneasy. "I'm in the hospital, waiting for jennie's surgery, why? is there any important doc. to sign?" I asked again.

"Boss, I'm sorry but the police is on their way to arrest you" she stated in a panic tone. I was shocked upon hearing the information. My mind is blank and I can't form a sentence to give a reply. "your mother just found out that you transferred company's money to your personal account, she got so mad, so she called the police, to arrest you" betty continue explaining with her heavy breath. I'm utterly shocked. Why did I got caught too soon? It shouldn't be today. NO. I already made a promise to jennie that I will stay by her side until the operation is done. This is wrong.

I'm still on the line feeling kinda lost, I gulped several times. My eyes are blinking rapidly cause I'm anxious. "Boss?" Betty's voice wakes me up from my sense. "Yeah.. Ummm.. thank you betty. I'll.. I'll be ready" I stuttered while responding to her. Soon I hung up the phone. I'm in panic and wendy realised with my sudden change of states.

"Lisa you okey?" She asked warily. I tried to compose myself before I started to face wendy that is sitting next to me. "Wendy, the police is on their way to arrest me" She was shocked upon hearing my words.

"I got caught for using the company's money and my mom decided to report me to the police. Actually I use that money for jennie's operation bill" Her mouth is half open and she seems trying to find a way to speak after my revelation. She looks confused.

"Wendy, can you promise me not to tell jennie about this? She'll be devastated. I'm desperate enough wanting for her to have a normal life like us. If she's looking for me, just.. just.. Tell her that I left the country for personal family matters"

While I'm begging at wendy, I heard a sound of footsteps coming our way. I looked at my back and I saw a police officer heading towards us, I'm panicking, without wasting time I hold wendy's hand and beg in desperation. "Wendy please" I'm in the verge of crying.

"You're under arrest!" the police interrupted. They harshly pulled me up and immediately handcuffed my hands infront of wendy. I took my last chance begging at her "please" my voice came out almost whispering.. I feel weak.

"I promise" finally she agreed. She looks so sad watching at my pity states. I feel glad upon hearing it. "Thank you. I owe you. Please tell her not to wait" I speak one last time before the police drag me out of the hospital.


I got sentence 8 years in prison for embezzlement. But I'm lucky. My charge was shortened to 7 years due to my revelation on my family's illegal business. Since I don't want my step parents causing any harm to jennie, I made a decision to tell everything about my family's dirty jobs to the police department. My steps parents company was crumble soon after they get caught. I don't feel bad about it. They've done dirty stuff for so long and I think it has to stop.

There's no a single day I didn't miss jennie. Life in a prison is just so tough, there are times where I was being bullied and beaten so badly. I started to lose so much weight. I feel lost, I feel depressed. I feel ALONE. Maybe this is the price that I must take after tolerating with my step parents dirty work.

Gladly, my ex secretary come to see me whenever she's free. We basically became friends. 3 years ago she told me that she's finally found her true love and I'm so happy for her.

Wendy did came to visit me on my early years in a prison. But I told her to stop coming cause I don't want things to get suspicious around jennie. I feel so much better after knowing jennie finally moved on and living her life without me. I think that's all that matters now.

Today is the last day I'm spending my night in jail. I'm going to see the world again. I wonder how would my life going to be.

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