Encounter (Lisa POV)

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Few days after that stalking jennie incident. I decided to keep myself busy, I try so hard to distract myself from remembering what I had witnessed infront of jennie's boutique. Its painful but there's nothing I could do. Honestly, it keeps on bothering me. And I just don't know how to ease the pain. I try so many effort but at the end of the day, it still coming back at me, invading my mind. I feel tortured.


I'm in the middle of baking cookies at the bakery's kitchen when suddenly betty came interrupting. "Lisa, could you leave it first and help me deliver these pastries to this address". I took my time wiping my hands on the apron while looking at the address which is currently on betty's hand.

I feel relieved it isn't far from here. So I nodded to her request. I wash my hands immediately and dry it using a towel. Soon after that, I took off my apron and carried the package which is placed on the table. I then grab a receipt book and a car key before heading to the car. A moment later I drive off to the address given.

I have now arrived at the location given. It's actually a big company. Soon I went to the receptionist area and informed her about the pasteries delivery. She made a call afterwards. After checking on my status she then told me to go straight to the third floor. Without wasting time I went to the elevator heading to the direction given. As soon as I reached the third floor, I asked one of the workers there, to whom should I give the pasteries to and they told me to bring it to the meeting room. I feel so glad that they're being cooperative and showing me the way.

Soon I arrived in front of the meeting room. The door is close so I try to knock to get a permission. It didn't take long for someone to open the door, "Yes! You're finally here, right on time" the lady looks so happy when she saw a box of pastries on my hands. "please come in, just put it on the table" she continued. I smiled at her but as soon as I got in, I was stunned.  Jennie is there. I never thought I would see her again. My smile slowly faded and anxious started creeping me. There are like 5 people in the meeting room but my eyes were just glued at the beauty infront of me. I want to retreat but the door behind me is already closed.

I'm cursing inside as she stared at me without breaking a contact. Her pupils were dilated and shiny. I feel attacked by her intense gaze. So this is how Jennie look like if she isn't blind. I tried so hard to composed myself from being panic. Never thought I would make eye contact with her someday, today is the first. I never imagine that. Nevertheless I only dare to look at her for 3 seconds. I brace myself and put the box on the desk closer to her. I feel so weak that I almost couldn't breath. I'm so nervous.

I try to control my unstable emotion and I distract myself by taking the receipt out of my trouser's pocket. However, it didn't really help. I still can see from the corner of my eyes that she's staring at me. Soon after I gave the receipt to the lady. I bow to her one last time. Immediately I left the room. My heart is thumping so fast and I still can feel it now.

I almost burst into tears earlier. God, I miss you so much jennie. I want to hug you but I can't. You are so close and yet so far.

Despite of that, I understand that you're not longer mine and I should bear that in mind.

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