A Risk (Lisa POV)

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I'm currently in my office. I can't stop thinking where should I get a big some amount of money for jennie's operation. If you think I'm rich well that's just bullshit. My step mother did provide me necessity like sports car and exclusive apartment but that was only to show. They just want public to see how good they treated their step daughter but yeah it was a covered up.

Girls always approacing me because of my family status. They ended being just a flings cause obviously I know what they aiming for. Thats why I'm having a hard time to falling in love or to trust. Not until jennie happened.

Normally when I handle a company's project, all credits will go directly to my step mother's company. I'll only get let say a good 0.5 percent from it. And I didn't really take it, normally I will give it to my best employees. They work hard and deserved to be praised. I'm nothing like my step parents the way people assumed I was.

"Betty, come in" I called. Few minutes later she came with her notes and pen. "Can you please take a company's account file at finance dept." I instructed. "Noted on that boss. Anything else?" Betty responded. "No. Thats all" I replied.

Once betty left, I called my jennie. "Honey, can I fetch you later, night? I want to have dinner with you in the apartment".

"Oh really! okay I'll be waiting. Do you want me too bring anything?" she asked. She sounds excited. "Well. Bring me a french kiss then" I teased her while smirking. I can hear her laughing on the phone. "french kiss only? I was planning to wear something sexy later though" she blurted. I can't believed what I just heard. "honey don't play with my heart, you know I'm weak. You might ended in my bed you know" I said to her softly. And I can hear her giggling. "I'm sorry hon, you started it" she replied with her soft voice. "Okay I'll stop but I'm still waiting for a french kiss later" I said while bitting my lips to stop myself from smiling. "Fine you'll get it later, just try not to be late okay" she replied. "Okay, See you later I love you honey" I replied one last time. "I love you too hon" few seconds later she ended the call.


I heard betty knocking my door and brought the file that I requested earlier. I took a chance to check on the amount of profit that our company have. Its A LOT. I mean how come my step parents can be so stingy, they rarely raise empoyees salary. Or give them a double bonus. I was in a deep thought. I was thinking maybe if I take just a little from it, no one is going to notice. I know its a crime and wrong. But I need to fullfill my wish to make jennie see the world again.

I gotta do this. I know sooner or later I will get caught. But as for now, I'm just gonna do whats the best for jennie. She don't deserved to be blind, she needs to see the world again. And to see me. I'll face whatever the consequences later.

P.s: Smut is coming. Skip if you don't like it.

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