A Kiss (Lisa POV)

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"1 milk ice cream and 1 chocolate ice cream please" I told the ice cream scooper. We're now sitting on the bench in front of the beach. The theme park is actually located exactly next to the beach.

"Lisa what time is it?" Jennie asked while enjoying her milk ice cream. "its almost sunset" I answered as I look at her face. "the scenery must be beautiful right now, I wish I could see" she continued with a sad smile. I feel bad about it. "Yes it is beautiful" I replied. But it's not actually the sunset that I think the most beautiful today. Its her. I was staring at her while I said that.

"Hmm lisa can I touch your face?" Jennie asked for a permission. I was confused but I let her "sure here.." I hold both of her hands and let her touch my face. Now I'm inches closer to hers. I took a chance enjoying the view in front of me. She's so flawless. Her skin is so smooth and fair. She's the most perfect woman I ever seen. And I just feel so lucky to breath in a same air as her.

My emotion turned into soft as she trace every inch of my face. "wendy was right" she intrupted while I was busy staring at her "about what?" I asked in my soft voice. "that you're beautiful" she responded while touching my face. I just smiled at her.

A few moments later her thumb tracing my lips and I can see her gulping several times. I realised her face is getting closer to mine. I just stay there and let her do whatever she want. Something unexpected happened after that. I was surprised as jennie suddenly kissed me. Her lips touched mine and I was kinda in disbelief. Is this really happening? The fact that we finally kissed? The moment I came back to my sense, I reacted back to the kiss. I closed my eyes as I kissed Jennie's lips. I try to feel every moment of it. My heart pounding so fast and I can't think about anything. It was just rainbows and unicorns. My mind is totally blank soonest our lips met.

She pulled out few second after but her face looks kind of worried. It was too short and honestly wasn't enough for me. Soon I touched her face and kissed her back on the lips. I kissed her slowly. I can feel her soft lips dancing along with mine. And I can still taste a milk ice cream on her lips. We're both getting lost in a moment.

Eventually we both running out of breath and stop. My hands are now holding her hands and caresses it. I don't know why but I'm so emotional, with my teary eyes I started to confess.

"Jennie. I love you"

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