Trauma? (Lisa POV)

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I woke up while hugging jennie's small body in my bed. I never expect that I would have this chance again, to see her peacefully sleeping under the blanket with me. She's still the same. Hold on.. This is not right.. I was fucking someone's girlfriend right? But she wants me.. So I assumed she would ditch her boyfriend soon? I can't back off anymore, I can't let her go. I can't live without her.

Silently I get off my bed and put on my clothes on. Soon I washed my face and went to the kitchen. I need to cook breakfast for my love. I checked inside the kitchen cupboard and saw a tray of egg, 1 packet of bread and few vegetables.

A moment later I started to cut some vegetables near to the sink, at the kitchen countertop. While I'm busy preparing jennie's breakfast,
Someone is embracing my body from my back. It's jennie.

"Good morning hon" she greeted me and kiss my nape. I smiled upon hearing her morning husky voice. I can feel her hot breath on my nape. "Hey honey, Good morning too" I replied back to her. Soon I hold and caresses her hands that were hugging my waist. "Did you sleep well?" I continued and she just softly humming to my question.

Few minutes later I turned around to face her. I'm surprised as I saw her naked body. She didn't put any clothes on. I'm flustered. Suddenly my throat feel dry. Her body is sexy and curvy. I can't look straight into her eyes cause her boobs are distracting me. I gulped several times before I started to say "Honey I'm not complaining, but I have extra clothes" She laughed at my words and soon she turned off the stove next to me behind my back. Her body is just inches closer. "Breakfast can wait" she whispered. She then grab my face and gently kiss me. A moments later she started to hold both of my hands and pulling me while she's walking backwards. Her gummy smile is showing. Her eyes are gazing at me intensely. Eventually she is pulling me to the bedroom. I don't think I need to share details about what happened next. We just having a morning sex and I want to keep it private this time.


I'm currently washing some dishes after had a breakfast together with jennie. Suddenly jennie came interrupting me by caressing my back and side hugging me after. "Hon I'm going to office now, I have a meeting with a client" she informed while tilting her head up to make an eye contact with me. "Okey honey, take care, I love you" I responded to her with a smile. "I love you too. Like veryyy" she replied with her gummy smile. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she released my body.

Soon she started to walk heading to the front door. I continued washing the dishes on the sink. Somehow I felt weird cause I don't hear any clicking sound coming from the door. Immediately I turned my head to look at her direction. She was standing still infront of the door while staring at me. Her expression looks worried and uneasy.

"Honey you okey?" I checked. I'm still standing near to the sink. "you're not going anywhere right? Want to come with me?" she asked. Her tone sounds shaky. I was thinking for a while why she seem uncomfortable. I then understand the meaning behind her question. "Honey, I won't runaway anymore. I won't hide, I swear" I told trying to comfort jennie. She is still standing at her spot, thinking. She even stared at me worriedly.

I wipe my hands on my clothes and started walking towards her. Soon as I close our gap, I touch her face and look into her eyes "Come back here once you're done". I try to ease her wariness. she smiled and nodded upon hearing my words. Soon she kissed me one last time and left.

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