Coming Back To Me (Lisa POV)

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I'm shocked the moment I saw jennie standing few meters away from me. Her eyes are puffy and her nose is red, did she cry? How come she know where I live? I can't form a word. I didn't expect to see her tonight, especially here at my place. I'm confused by her sudden appearance. I literally froze at my spot not knowing what I should do.

Few seconds later, with her trembling lips she started to speak "Hon..". That endearment.. I didn't hear it for a long time.. It sounds so soft and sweet. I miss that word coming out from her mouth. I'm completely stunned when she called me that. Soon she approach and hug me tight. I can feel her hands grabbing at the back of my flannel shirt. She is sobbing so hard. I'm clueless and I tried so hard to understand the situation. I feel so devastated watching her crying. It hurts me so much.

I'm still standing stiff without doing anything, I can't process what's happening to her yet. Few minutes later she pulled away. She started to trace my face with her fingers. I feel worried with her current states.

"It's you.. It's really you.. my hon, my lisa" she spoke. Her voice sounds shaky as she sobs in front of me. Upon hearing that, I burst into tears. My eyes were burning as I cried. I was a wreck, I felt ashamed that I can't even looking straight into her eyes. I could only bow my head down as an attempt to avoid eye contact. She started to hug me again after she saw my reaction. Slowly I embrace her body and hug her tight. I miss her. I miss how she felt around my body. I pour out all of my emotion that I've kept inside for so long. We keep hugging for a few minutes until our emotions are finally stable.


Few moments later we get inside my place. Jennie is now sitting at dinning area while watching me boiling some water. She look so worn out after knowing the truth. I bring 2 cups of coffee to the table and sit next to jennie. She is still tenderly scanning my face with a soft smile flaunting on her face. Soon she hold my hand as she begin to talk, "Hon I'm sorry, I should have recognized you soon, it must be hard for you" I couldn't contain myself that I  started to cry again. I bow my head down trying to hide my face, I don't want her to see my weak states. In the past 7 years no one really knows how I felt inside. I was alone and hurt, and now she came back to fix me. I feel touched. I can't hide my true emotion. Upon watching my vulnerable side, She stand up from her seat and hug me tight. I embrace her waist while sobbing so hard. I can't hide my feelings anymore. My self-defense is slowly crumble. I'm weak infront of jennie. She tries to calm me down by gently caressing my back and kissing my temple. For the first time after 7 years I feel safe.


"Its already late, I think I'll have to sleep over" Jennie blurted. What does she mean by that? Why she want to sleep here. Why so soon. I thought. I'm quite surprised. We are still sitting in the dining area having our coffee. A moment later she stands up from the chair and looks around to find the bedroom. I'm stunned by her bold behaviour but I just let her be.

"Aren't you sleepy?" jennie is all smiling while inviting me to the bedroom. Her gummy smile appeared again, I miss that. Its cute. She iss currently leaning infront of the bedroom door. "Give me a minute, let me wash these cups first" I respond. I'm actually feeling awkward and shy. But I try to hide it.

Soon, I reached the bedroom's front door. I saw jennie looking around and playing with my stuff. I entered the room and closed the door. She stopped doing her things and started to take off her dress leaving her half naked with only undergarments. She smiles at me as she hop on the bed. I'm surprised by her bluntness. I feel embarrassed and my face feels hot due to watching her sexy body. I gulped several times, trying to composed myself. Few moments later I take off my flannel shirt and turned off the light. I lied on the bed next to jennie and turned on the bedside lamp on my left side.

I'm lying straight on the bed while looking at the ceiling. Nervous started to creep on me. I'm afraid I couldn't control myself from touching jennie since she is there lying so close next to me. Suddenly she switched her position by facing me. You don't have any idea how fast my heart beats right now. What is she trying to do. Is she trying to seduce me.

"Hon?" she checked on me. "Yes?" I answered short. "Can you look at me?" she asked. Her voice sounds so soft like almost whispering. Damn! What is she trying to do! I gulp trying to calm myself down and after a few seconds, I turn my head to look at her. She is already staring at me. Her gaze is so intense. Her pupils  dilated. A moment later she touched my face and slowly kissed my lips. I let her lead the way. Eventually our kiss became more sexual. I felt hot when her tongue started to play a part in our kiss. Soon she hopped on top of me without breaking the kiss. I can feel both of her hands on my face as her body is sitting on top of me. She kissed me hungrily and eventually she started to grind on top of me. My hormones going wild by her naughty tease, So I flip our position. She is now lying under me. My hands were in between her head to support me from putting my weight on her. We keep on kissing for a couple of minutes. Soon her hands begin to pull the hem of my shirt. She seems struggling so I help her by taking my clothes off. I can see her staring at my body intensely. Hungrily she pulled me down by my neck and kiss me again.

I take a chance to kiss her neck and unclapsing her bra. Gosh she look so sexy in sweats. Her chest is rapidly going up and down while I trail a kiss on the valley of her breast. I began to tease her more by licking her nipples and sucking it. She moans softly to my action.

I take some times to savour part of her tits. I love watching her in pleasures. Soon I went down and trail kisses from her stomach and down to her inner thigh. She is holding both of my hands while I'm busy kissing her body. Soon I take off her underwear and started to lick her private part. She holds my hands tight while I'm playing my tongue on her pussy. I savour it for a while and her moans started to get loud when my tongue digging deeper in her hole. Now her pussy is getting moist and wet. I get back to kiss her lips again while my fingers were rubbing her wet pussy. Few moments later I started to put my 2 fingers inside her pussy. She gasp to my action. I pull out my finger after and continue doing the same movements. She  moans so loud once I found her sensitive spot which causing her to orgasm a couple of times. She sucks my neck and hugging me tight whenever she reached her climax. It's such a beautiful scenery.


We're now facing each other, she put a soft smile while scanning my face. She began tracing my face with her fingers before she started to talk. "Hon I love you so much" her tears started to fall. Her words, I can feel her sincerity. Gently I wipe her tears and reply her back softly "I love you so much too, honey" I hug her fragile body and we fell asleep..

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