Is this fate? (Lisa POV)

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I'm getting way to busy weeks after a dinner date with tzuyu. Right now I'm stuck in the office doing my usual routine, to be honest handling the CEO task will never be my passion but I had to cause I feel like I need to repay my step parents after they help me survive from a car crash accident and then decided to adopt me after knowing my actual parents died on the spot. I was only 7 at that time. My step mom made this decision cause she had the same incident happened to her in the past. So she has a soft spot for me on that.

I'm grateful for this, but I just don't know why they didn't give me a choice to live my life the way I want. And I can't complain either. Being a young CEO is very hard and pressuring. As time goes by I feel like I'm lost. I don't know anymore the purpose of living. I try to get it away but I just feel lonely. Nobody knows how exhausted I felt and I got nobody to rely on. Sometimes I feel like a robot cause I keep my feelings to myself and just blindly help my parents doing dirty stuff on business just to keep our company survive. The dirty stuff that I'm talking about, is something to do with a corruption. Our company is actually the worse organisation ever, we played a lot of political ploys just to be influential.

Today is an anniversary of my late parents death. It's a tradition for me to pay a visit to their grave while bringing fresh flowers every year. No matter how busy I'm everyday, I'll make sure to save some time to pay them a visit. To me its like a compulsary thing.

It's 1pm and I'm currently driving heading to the graveyard where my late parents were buried. While I was on my way to that location, I saw a flower shop open like 5km away from the place that I supposed to stop, so I decided to give it a try. Normally I would buy flowers nearest to the graveyard. But somehow I'm curious about that new flower shop. Maybe I just want to try something new. So I entered the shop and a blind girl greeted me with her innocent gummy smile "hello welcome to our shop" I was shocked, never thought I would still remembered that blind pianist weeks ago and now I met her again in a flower shop. Is this a coincidence or fate?

"H..Hi umm I was umm.. looking for.. white roses" I responded with gulps. "oh we do have white roses here. Hold on a second" she replied with her sweetest smile ever. I was amused with the way she talk. She then walk confidently to the white roses area without assistance of anybody. I didn't move from my spot but just stunned by her actions.

"so what kind of wrapper you want ms.?" she asked. Unconciously, stupid grin appeared on my face while I was replying to her "the best one please". "The best one will be a little pricey you okey with that?" she asked with a little smile. "Yes it's for my late parents, doesn't matter" I explained.

"wow its hard to find a good daugher who appreciate their late parents nowadays, you're really sweet" upon hearing that, my smile slowly faded cause I remember I did a lot of bad stuff too that she don't know. "thanks, but I'm not that nice tho" I said to her with my sad smile.

"Its done, actual price is $80 but I'll just give you $60 since its for you late parents" she explained to me with her attractive smile. I never felt so overwhelmed just by looking at someone smile. But her, she just hit different, her smile give me warm and calming me so much. I didn't realised I was staring at her for long until she talked again "ms. are you okey with this? If you didn't like it I could change it to a new wrapper" her face looks worried. " It's perfect like you really!" oh my god I just slip whats currently on my mind. I was so nervous that I might actually ruin the atmosphere. I shut my eyes for a second and sigh, but I continue anyway "I mean.. the flower... the flower.. It's perfect.. with that wrapper" I feel so stupid right now. Its embarrassing. How come I'm so vulnerable around her. She just laugh a little at my antics. And I like her reaction so much.

"Here $60 for you." I try to give her the money but her hand seems trying to find me. So I gently hold her hand for good few seconds and gave her the money. Her hand is so smooth and small. Its cute. I wish I could touch it a little longer but it will be rude of me. She thanked me with a smile. I can't help but to look at her face. "welcome. How did you know I gave you the exact amount?" I teased.

"Honestly I don't, but I know you wouldn't cause I can feel it" she responded with her gummy smile. "thanks for talking to me, nobody wants to talk to me once they know that I'm a blind person" her smile slowly faded. I feel bad for her. And believe me I don't mind talking to her all day all night starting from now. "well I enjoyed talking to you, its warm. I could always come if you need friends to talk" I offered. "thats really nice of you I really appreciate it" she responded. "well my name is lisa. This is my card... maybe you could ask someone to help you if you want to contact me and need a friend to talk.. And don't worry i'm really sincere" I said while handing my card to her hand. Somehow touching her hand makes me feel strange, in a good way of course.

"thank you lisa, my name is jennie" she introduced herself. "jennie... That name is beautiful like the person" I teased with my stupid grin again. She just laughed at my cringe compliment. "well jennie I gotta go now. Don't forget to contact me alright.. I'll be waiting" soon after that I bet her farewell. I looked at her face one last time before exiting. Somehow I feel excited and I can't wait to have another conversation with her. I want to interact with her again. I want to hear her sweet voice and laugh.

Today is not bad as it seems. Meeting and talking to jennie is the best thing ever happen today!

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