Scolded (Lisa POV)

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I'm in my office at the moment. I made a plan to finish my work as soon as possible cause I want to see jennie again. Yesterday is not enough. Somehow today I feel more brighter and motivated to face my job again. I feel alive. I have to admit something, after seeing Jennie, I have this positive energy and it's been such a long time I ever feel this way.

A moments later my phone is ringing, "Boss, Ms. Grace, you mom wants to see you in her office now" betty informed. "Noted, thanks" I replied.

I feel anxious. Why would my mom want to see me early in the morning? She rarely called me except when its important. I hope nothing serious cause I already set my plan to see jennie today. I must see her today.


I was standing right in front of my mom's office. I tried to take a deep breath before I knocked on the door. "Mam" I called. "yes come in" my mom invited me.

Now I'm standing in front of my mom's desk, waiting for her to speak. She look so serious and I already know today is going to be a disaster. It will be impossible for me to runaway from my office.

"Where were you yesterday?? You went missing for the whole day! This never happen to you. Do you know because of your foolish act we almost lost one good contract?! Why are you so careless for ignoring important document that was suppose to be submitted yesterday! lisa what happened?!" my mom was so mad at me that her skin turns red, she's like a human satan. I hate it when she's angry.

"I'm sorry I was paying visit to my late parents" I lied. "Really? I thought you already see them like few days ago?!" my mom started to raise her voice. "I.. I just miss them too much, so.. I went to see them again, I'm so sorry for the trouble I have caused. I'll reflect.. mom" I don't want to make my mom mad cause every time it happened, she would act out of control. She would do something selfish like firing some innocent employees and I can't let that happen.

"Listen carefully, I don't want you to do this again, understood?! You are not allowed to leave this office until I consent! Due to the trouble you've caused, I've decided to put you in a new project. Be sure to finished it within 5 days! If I caught you slacking again, I'm going to fire betty, Am I clear?!"

"yes mam.." I answered almost whispering. I'm so doomed. I can't escape. She always find ways to threaten me. I don't have a choice, I can't risk my secretary betty, she have 2 sons to raise. And this job is only her way to survive since she's a single parent.

This world didn't give me justice. Jennie.. I'm sorry but for now I have to stop thinking about you, I badly wanted to talk to you but I'm hopeless. I can't run away. My mom has been monitoring me every single minutes.

Few days past, I feel so depressed, I was in the verge of exploding, handling this project makes me feel rage. I don't feel humanly, my feelings are cold. I act more like a walking robot that follows my mom's ordered. I don't have any other option, and there's only one thing that I care about here. To protect my employees from my mom's toxic behavior.


Glad, I managed to finish the project today. It's done. My mom was so satisfied. She was so happy to receive those cash from one illegal project. Deep inside, I was hoping that she choked. I know I shouldn't think this way, since she raised me. But as time goes by I just don't know anymore, I'm getting tired of being in this position. I would rather be poor than to have this dirts on my shoulder. I mean obviously there's nothing to be proud of when you're on highest position but done so many political ploys.


Its 9.30pm and I just signed out from my office. The project was done but I wasn't happy. I lost myself again. The only genuine time of my life is knowing jennie. But she's not here. She probably mad at me, she probably think that I'm such a jerk for playing with her feelings. I don't even dare to face her, I just felt so guilty for doing this to her.

But somehow I found my way, I was standing in front of her house. For a while I was thinking, should I knock on the door or maybe leave. My hand is ready to knock, but my brain didn't allow me to. Suddenly my phone is ringing, it startled me, I try to answer the phone in such a clumsy manner. I was worried, I'm afraid my ringtone is too loud.

"Yes betty.. Aaa just put the doc. On my desk. I'll check it tomorrow morning. And make sure to put in an envelope. Thank you" I try to calm down and yes I changed my mind. This is not right. I shouldn't be here, I should left. And when I was about to walk away, suddenly the door was opened. I heard jennie is calling me.


I was stunned and panicking, I don't know how should I act. "I'm sorry I shouldn't come here its already late, I'm..I'm just gonna get going, good night jennie" but jennie intrupting me "Lisa don't leave.. Come in, lets talk" she smiled but somehow it didn't reach her eyes.

"Jennie it's 10pm" I told her. "lisa please.. I insist" she sounds almost begging. Her sad smile never faded on her face. I was actually happy to see her again. Looking at her face makes me forget about all the problems that have been bothering me.

After giving some thought I answered. "Okay. Thank you". Soon I walk into her home.

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