New Beginning (Lisa POV)

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I will be discharged from the prison today. Betty is currently standing outside waiting to congratulate my liberation. I feel glad cause there's still someone that has faith in me. The moment I came out, betty approached and hugged me. I'm so touched that she has been loyal to me ever since the company fell apart.

Betty told me that she finally open her own bakery shop. It's a small business but atleast she starts somewhere. She's super generous for offering me a job at the bakery shop and a place to stay. How ironic, she used to be my secretary and I was a boss and now we switch places. But she never let me call her boss cause she felt uncomfortable.

I met her fiance the other day and I understand why she chose him, he's really kind and they literally reflection of each other. I'm so happy being surrounded by kind people.

To be honest, at first it was hard for me to catch up with the job. I have no experience in baking area. I never take any baking courses. So I was a bit slow. There are times where betty was daring enough to scold me on my mistakes. Sometimes, I laughed at it cause I think its funny. Just imagine a person who used to be your secretary scolding you for your terrible job.

I did try my luck to apply some other jobs out there. Unfortunately I always got rejected because of my criminal records. I mean I understand their concerns. Who is stupid enough to trust someone that has history of crime in embezzlement.

Eventually I started to get adapt being a baker. I mean it is not part of my expertise but atleast I know what I'm doing.

If you think I already forgot about jennie, you're wrong. I'm still dearly in love with her. Though we lost connection, I miss her everyday. I wonder how is she doing? does she have a happy life? I hope she does.


I'm currently making a macaron in the kitchen, suddenly betty surprised me by slamming a business card on the table exactly infront of me. I'm confused by her action.

"Want to guess what I've encountered earlier?" she asked with her smirked. I cringe so hard inside after watching her expression. A few seconds later I took the card to check what is it all about. It's RJ Boutique. I'm still confused. Why would she gave me this. I don't think my appearance that ugly.

"I was going to that boutique earlier, you know just to find some nice dress, cause I'm going to have a dinner date with jackson tonight. I don't know if this is a coincidence or what, but it happened that the boutique is belongs to jennie! I saw her talking to her workers, so I grab this card at the counter table just to show it to you" Upon hearing jennie's name my heart thumping so hard. Never would I ever imagine to hear news about jennie. We never really talk about her, not until today.

I observe the business card once again. I tried to stay calm before I replied to betty. "Okay um but why would you show this to me?" I asked. Betty looked astonished but still managed to respond to me "Well.. just incase if you're curious or maybe want to stalk her a little" she smiled brightly while wiggling her eyebrows, seconds later she left the kitchen area.

I'm not going to deny, I'm curious though, I just didn't show it to betty. I'm actually wondering how would she look like after 7 years.

So guess what, I decided to stalk her on the next day. I'm currently hiding behind the wall near to jennie's boutique. You don't have any idea how nervous I felt but I try to get it away. I still can't believe that I got a chance to see jennie again, eventhough its just from a far.

It's been 15 minutes since I've secretly standing behinds the wall, I keep on glancing towards the boutique direction. Something overwhelming is about to come. My heart is thumping so fast the moment I saw Jennie coming out of her boutique. I'm so shocked. She seems to wait for something. My god, she looks beautiful as ever, and even sexier. I started to have a flashback. I remember the first time I saw her. That time I was mesmerized by her beauty, and I still feel the same today. My eyes have been blessed again after 7 years of suffering.

But it didn't last long, I was stunned when I saw a guy walking to her direction and kissed her on the lips. There's a slight pang in my heart while watching the view. They hugged for a bit before getting back inside. Honestly, I was hurting watching jennie with some other guy. Somehow I feel stupid for doing this. I laughed sourly after realising my foolish decision.

I'm no longer in her life, I'm only part of her past. I'm just nobody. And as a matter of fact, that guy is the one who makes her happy now. He's her present and future. Why would I feel bitter about this when I'm the one who asked her not to wait. Now that she moved on, I should be glad about it.

Few minutes standing behind the wall, I was thinking hard. I regret coming here. I know I wasn't supposed to be here. I think I made a huge mistakes being here. After taking some time to compose myself, finally I could think again. I force myself to leave. And I keep reminding myself not to come back again.

**this is not the end**

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