Blooming Morning (Lisa POV)

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I woke up with a beautiful sight in front of me. It'w currently 9.00 am and jennie look so peaceful in her sleep. She's glowing. My arms literally entangled on her body after we ended our steamy make out session last night. We're both still naked under the blanket and I can feel jennie's warm skin touching mine. I can't believe we make out last night, it felt like a dream. I took a chance to caresses jennie's face gently, soft smile spreads on my face.

A few moments later jennie started to stir from her sleep and softly I wake her up. "Good morning honey". her smile slowly growing upon hearing my soft voice. She then covered her face with both of her hands cause she felt so shy. "Honey don't hide your beautiful face, let me see" I teased while moving her hands away from her face. "Good morning hon" she responded with her soft and husky voice. It sounds addictive to hear.

Gently I caress her cheek and kiss her lips. Suddeny I remembered, I just pop her cherry last night so I asked if she's okey. "I'm fine" she answered. But her face shows otherwise. She seems a little uncomfortable. I mean I had experienced this before so I know how it felt. Maybe it's time for me to give her a body massage in the bathroom.

A moment later I get off from my bed and started to carry naked jennie in a bridal style. My sudden move makes her yelping. She was surprised by my sudden attack.

"Lets go to bath!!!" I scream on top of my lungs while speed walking, carrying jennie heading to the bathroom. She laugh at my silly act and covering her face with her hands. Her body is so light and small. Its cute. Slowly I put jennie down in the bathtub and started to open the water tap, I adjusted the water in a warm mode.

Few moments later I joined her in the bathtub. I'm now sitting behind her, spooning her body. I grab a loofah and a soap next to us and gently rub it on jennie's body. I never did this to anyone before. So this is really fascinating and I enjoyed doing it.

Once in a while I kiss jennie's shoulder. I can't help it. Naked jennie is just so sexy and it infatuating my brain.

While I was busy cleaning jennie's body, she started to turn around and face me. I was confused for a seconds. Slowly she touch my face and kiss my lips. Eventually our kiss turned into something more sexual. We ended having sex in bathtub. Yeah we wilding.

I'm glad today is a weekend. Which means I got a chance to spend my time with jennie. Few months dating her, she slowly adapted to my place. If you want to know, I already introduced my cats to jennie week after we're together. And my cats are really fond of  her. Sometimes I felt jealous when she gave attention more to my cats than me. I mean give me attention too! But I'm not complaining now, she already gives me everything. Now it's my turn to repay her back, especially giving back her vision.

Jennie just wait a little bit more okay, I'm gonna do my best to make you see the world again.

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