Eternally (Lisa POV)

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1 year has past, I'm so thankful that jennie help me getting back on my track, she never stop supporting me in achieving my dream. I finally discovered my  passion. Photography! Thanks to my sweetest girlfriend, I'm able to create my own path beautifully, I may not be a famous professional photographer but I know what I like to do now.

I'm a freelance photographer. Its a good start right? And I was planning to expand my passion for something more. Maybe someday I will have my own photography shop. I will work hard on that. While I'm busy focusing on my dream, jennie is already expanding her business. She managed to open her second boutique and things getting smooth around her. She's happy in both love and career aspects. Well we both were.

Betty my ex secretary, ex bos and all time friend finally got married like few months ago. I'm so happy for her. Her bakery started to become a hot topic around public due to her signature delicious pastries. I always got a discount everytime I went there.


Tonight I'm going to have a dinner date with jennie at Te'amo Restaurant. Some of you may not remember, it's actually the first place where I spotted blind jennie playing the piano. Never thought we're actually meant to be. That time I never thought she would actually meant something for me not until I met her again at the flower shop.


Finally I arrived at the restaurant. I wear my best attires today just for jennie. I'm 10 minutes early. It has already become a habit. I'm currently sitting at our table. Feel strange, this restaurant still feel the same like the old days. I can't believe it still operating after 8 years.

A moment later, I saw a beautiful lady walking heading towards me. She's so glowing and I can't keep my eyes away from her. "Hon am I late or you're too early?" Jennie asked. I smiled to her softly and answered her question. "I'm early"

She sit in front of me while flaunting her beautiful smile. I will never get enough with that smile. Few minutes later, a waiter came to serve us. The sounds of live piano makes our moments more romantic.

"You'd worked temporary here before, to replace your uncle" I blurted to jennie. She looks surprised. "Here? Hon how did you know?" she asked. "well my first time seeing you wasn't actually at the flower shop, its here. That time I didn't know I will met you again" I explained. She was shocked by my revelation.

"You were just right there playing the piano" I continued while my finger pointing where she was back then."I was actually amazed, I mean this blind girl play the piano so well" I smiled remembering the old days.

"and you didn't approch me that time! So rude" she replied to me, acting sulky. I laugh a little to her teased. "Honey, I did want to approach you but I was just confused with my feelings, cause I never feel something like that before" I elaborate to jennie.

She still acting sulky, I then hold her hands which is currently on the table. "Thank you for not giving up on us" I put a soft smile shortly after I said that. She then look at me. "Thank you for loving a blind girl right from the start" she replied. Her eyes seems about to cry. I caressed her cheek and smiled softly to her.

"honey can I request something?" I asked. "what is it?" she responded. "play a piano for me" I answered while smiling. She then kiss my hand before she stands up from her seat heading to the piano area.

I saw her interrupting the pianist and talking for a bit. Soon the pianist stands up from his seat and jennie started to take his place. She then looks at me while flaunting her loving smile. A moment later she started to play the piano. Suddenly I'm having a flashback while listening to her playing. I'm touched and overwhelmed. About 10 minutes later she came back to our table.

She looked surprised as soon as she saw a wedding ring in the box lying on the table next to a bouquet of red roses. She is still standing and just froze. I think she is still shocked. The moment she came back to her sense, she look at me. I grab the ring box and started to kneel infront of her. "Honey, I don't think I can live my life without you, I don't think I will ever survive.. Marry me." with teary eyes I look up at jennie. She started to cry and covering her mouth with her hands. Few seconds later she nodded. I stands up and hug her tight. "I Love you" I told her. "I love you too hon" she replied.

We get married 1 months later. Every day is just so special, I don't have any dull moments with jennie. Marrying her is the best decision I ever made. Finally I could hold jennie back in my arms again. Hope we could stay like this eternally. Right next to each other.

-The End-

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