She's the first (Jennie POV)

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I was surprised soon as I heard lisa asking for a date. I never experience this before. My feeling mixed up from nervousness to excitement to overwhelm and anytime I think I might combust. Thank god I'm blind or else I probably going to jump into her. I felt like a teenager who just discovered what love is, this will be my very first date if it happened, cliché as it seems but that's how I felt right now. I think I'm going to fly. I was about to say yes but than I realised my states.

"I might trouble you lisa, I'm blind and you're just going to have a hard time guarding me" I told. "Jennie please don't say that, I never felt like that, you don't have any idea how happy I was when I'm with you" lisa tried to convince me. "please jennie, I promise I will make it fun" she suddenly holding my hands and begging "please.." . I feel so giddy by her gesture that I can't stop myself from smiling. "well.. umm okay" I finally agreed.

"Okay! Yes! Its a yes!?" and I nodded to her question. "Yes! Jennie I promise you won't regret it. I will make it as the best day of your life" lisa was so excited and I can tell she's smiling right now.

"So I will fetch you this sunday, lets see.. Hmm.. How about I fetch you at 10.. No.. 9 am so we could have a breakfast together and going to the theme park after" Lisa was so happy, she didn't realised she was still holding my hands and I can feel her thumb gently stroking my hands a couple of times. I'm not complaining, I hope it stays that way.

I stay quiet and enjoying her caress not until she pulled her hands away "Jennie.. I'm sorry it was so disrespectful of me" I was panicked and started to convince her that I was okay. Why on earth she pulled it away. Somebody please help me hit her head or something. I still want that skinship, why would she stop so soon. I felt like a horny cat who is craving for her touch. Damn. Embarrassing.

I swear if I'm not blind we possibly making out on the couch tonight. Why am I like this. Lisa, maybe you should leave now before things getting out of control.

"umm jennie its already late.. maybe I should get going. You need to rest" lisa start talking again. Okay I take back about asking lisa to leave earlier. Stay a little bit more please. I thought. "thank you for being understanding and I promise, you will be having a good time on sunday" she sounds excited. I can't help but just smile with her cute behaviour.


I'm now standing in front of my door waiting for lisa to leave "Jennie you should get inside, it's cold" lisa sounds concerned so I didn't argued. A few seconds later I closed the door and I leaned my back on it, smile started creeping on my face, I tried to cover it with my both hands. I was so happy. I can't believe I will be going on a date with lisa this sunday. I'm screaming inside. I can't wait for that day to come!

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