A Bakery (Jennie POV)

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"Boss, what are we doing here?". My assistant abby asked. "I'm kinda hungry, let's buy some bun here" I answered, feeling excited. "Boss I thought you are not really into bun" she continued. Her face looks confused. I'm slightly annoyed. Or more like embarrassed cause I used to complain to her that I don't like to eat bun. Stop asking too much and just follow me will you! I thought. "Well I like it now, especially from this bakery" I smiled while responding to her. Yes it's a fake smile. We're currently in my car that is already park near to that delivery girl's bakery.

After surveying some fabrics for Ms. Lana's project, I decided to go here. I don't know why but my guts tell me to.

We're both now getting out of the car heading to that bakery shop. I opened the door shortly after we arrived. Apparently, there's no one at the counter, but I heard the sounds of plastic crackling somewhere in the bakery. Abby is now walking away from me going to the donut section. I tried to find that sound, soon I saw that delivery girl again! She's crouching down while busy arranging the packet of bun inside the tray. But she immediately stopped while quickly stand up the moment she realised I'm here.

She look rather scared, does she always like this? You know like she saw a ghost? I feel quite offended. I don't think I'm ugly though. I'm a beautiful human being. She should feel lucky to see my face. The atmosphere is very tense, so I started to smile prettily at her just to ease the tension. She looked at me for a couple of seconds and then broke the eye contact looking at somewhere else. I assumed she is shy. CUTE.

"Hi! Umm I want to know what is the most recommended bun here" I asked with a smile. It took 5 sconds for her to respond. She only uses her finger pointing at the bun in front of me, without saying a words. Strange, but I let it slide. I'm acting as if I really want to buy that bun. So I took five packets and hugged them.

Suddenly she walks past behind me and I'm puzzled. Her body's scent.. It just so familiar. I was in the deep thought, why does her presence seems familiar? Few moments later she came back with an empty tray. With her hand signal, she asked me to put all of the buns on the tray. Hold on, Is she like mute? I never hear her talk. Why is she so mysterious.

Soon after that, I thanked her while putting all of the buns in the tray that she's currently holding, I then take the tray and my fingers accidently brushing on hers. She froze by the sudden contact and soon left. I'm confused again. It felt like I have touched those fingers before. Why does everything about her seems familiar. I was thinking so hard when suddenly abby interupting me. "Boss have you done?" and I just nodded to her.

We are now standing in front of the counter for the payment process. That girl is ready to scan our items, I put the tray in front of her while unconsciously smiling. I don't know why but I just feel happy. There just something about her that awaken what had died inside me.

While she is busy putting our foods inside the plastic bag, I take a chance to scan her face. Hear me, she's really cute and her face features is just so perfect. A moment later she slide the receipt on the counter and I paid her the exact amount.

"Byeee~" with my soft voice I bet her farewell. My gummy smile is showing. I'm obviously flirting at her. I feel stupid. why I did that? We're not even closed. But I'm still happy that she nodded to me.

Delivery girl, I'm sorry but I'll be back again to annoy you.


I'm currently in my apartment's kitchen to drink some water, it's 8pm. I can't stop thinking about that delivery girl. I'm still trying to figure out what is going on with me. She's the only one who makes me feel giddy after lisa. I mean I've been with Kai for a couple of months now but he didn't make me feel excited the way that girl does. What is happening. While I'm still in my deep thought, suddenly I heard the sounds of door bell ringing.

I stand up from my seat and open the front door. Its Kai. "Hey babe, I miss you!" he kissed and hugged me after that. "Am I interupting?" he asked. "No. You're not, come in" I answered with a smile. It's a fake smile again. Why is he coming here, I don't have any mood to get laid or whatsoever. The last time we have sex was like 2 weeks ago.

I'm sorry I have to break your heart but we did have sex like few times. After all we're in a relationship. So its normal. But ofcourse.. Lisa did it better. I have to admit.

We walk together heading to the living room and cuddling on the couch afterwards. He seemed so horny tonight cause he started to caressing my body while kissing my neck. I feel uncomfortable. "Babe I'm sorry but I'm on my period" I lied. Upon hearing my excuse he stop. "Sorry I don't know" he apologised. Suddenly I feel guilty for lying. He only smile and kiss me on the lips.

A moment later his phone is ringing, "Babe excuse me, I have to answer this call" he stand up from the couch and went to the other side of the room.

I just hope he won't sleep over here tonight. Soon he came back and started to talk "Babe I have to go back to office. Something came up" I feel relieved. "It's okay I understand" I replied. A moment later, I send him to the front door and he kiss me one last time before he left. I wave at him until he disappeared.

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