Make Love To You (Lisa POV)

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I just arrived infront of jennie's house. It's 7.45pm and I can't wait to see her. I take a chance to spray some cologne before I get out of the car.

"Cominggg!" I heard jennie's voice soon as I knock her front door. I smile thinking about the conversation we had on the phone today. Few minutes later she open the door.

My hormones going wild soon as I saw my love wearing something that is too appealing than she usually wear. She literally wearing short dress that shown her milky white thighs. Not just that.. her cleavage is making an appearence today. I gulp several times upon watching the view infront of me. I.. How am I going to survive this. I was so flustered and hot. My breath has become heavy and I totally can't resist sexy jennie. Do wendy being her stylist again today? Most probably yes.

"Heyyy.  Sorry I'm late. Hon you look different today" I told. My eyes just can't control to look at her cleavage. I have to gulp to control my hormones. It's hard to avoid the view. Her big heart is just so perfect and I'm combusting. My god what should I do? Why she do this to me? How am I going to survive tonight?

"Do you like it? I just want to look different today" She respond while showing her gummy smile. I'm literally blushing with her appearance today. I'm not complaining but I'm not sure if I could keep my hands to myself tonight. Jennie is such a teaser and I'm screwed.

"You look sexy honey, I.. I think, I'm going to have a hard time tonight" I told her. She just chuckled softly at my confession. My god jennie, have a mercy on me, I need to control my hormones tonight. I must keep my reputation clean. Don't be a pervert.. Don't be a pervert.. I keep repeating this in my mind but my eyes just betraying me. Her cleavage.. Ughh


We're now in my car and yes her thighs, it testing me. Must be so smooth, I thought. So I try to distract myself playing the radio. But it didn't helppp! Few moments later I hold into jennie's hand and intertwined our fingers. I try to start a conversation, my heart thumping so fast but I ignored. "Hows your day today honey? Is everything okey in a flower shop?"

"Just like normal days, there's one customer complimenting me saying I was pretty" she respond with a smile. I don't like it. I'm so jealous! "Oh. Is it girl or boy?" I asked. "It's a boy but he left soon as he knew I was blind" I feel relieved. I know I shouldn't be that way, but I just don't want anybody to touch my girl. She's completely fully from head to toes mine!

"Honestly I'm jealous, but I let it slide since he's not worth my time, he's a jerk" I told jennie with my serious tone. She laugh at my antics and kiss my back hand. "I love you" she said with her soft voice. And I did the same to her.

An hour later we arrived at my apartment. We bought some foods and drinks before we get here. Jennie is now standing infront of the kitchen table while taking out the foods from the container. I can't help but looking at her back. Her thick ASS. Why is she wearing this in the first place. Lisa you got to behave. I told myself.


We're now in the living room, cuddling on the couch after dinner. Jennie is leaning on my chest while playing with my fingers. You don't have any idea how hard it is for me to control myself. I'm not sure if jennie knows how fast my heart beat right now. She teased me way too much tonight. Later, she turned around and gently caress my cheek, she then kiss me slowly on the lips. We both closed our eyes. I just follow her lead. I don't know why but I just feel so hot when she started nibbling my upper and lower lips. We took some time savouring the kiss and a few moments later jennie pulled away and started to sit on my laps. She then continued gently stroking my cheeks to my neck and then started to kiss my lips again. I pulled jennie's hips closer as we both lost into each other's touch. Our tongue started to play part in our kiss which makes things even more tense. My living room is quiet that time and it makes the situation sensual as ever.

I can feel jennie's hips grinding slightly on me a couple of times and eventually she stop kissing me and whisper. "Hon make love to me" I can feel her breath on my lips since her face inches closer to mine. My eyes turned soft upon listening to it. Both of her hands are now holding onto my shoulder.

I make my move and started to kiss her lips again. A moment later I carried her to my room by supporting her hips, while her arms are hugging my shoulder and legs locking to my waist just like a koala.

Soon as we reached my bedroom, I gently put jennie down on the mattress. Passionately I kiss her lips. My hand started to travel by gently stroking her thigh up to her hips. My action caused her dress to lift up and show more of her fair skin. While my other hand supporting me from putting my weight on jennie's fragile body. Her skin is so smooth like a silk. I can't wait to discover more.

Few minutes later I slowly lift up jennie's dress leaving her with only her undergarments. She wore a red mixed with black lacey bra and panties which makes my hormones rage. Slowly I trace her with my kisses, from her neck down to her chest. She smells like a strawberry. Her chest continuously rising up and down when I kiss right in middle of her heartbeat. I can hear her heavy breath coming from her mouth. Soon I unclasp her bra and I start to lick her nipples. I can hear her soft moans as I play with her tits. I took time exploring her nipples and sucking it slowly. Jennie's moans gave me more excitement to go further.

I continued by trailing a kiss from her stomach down to her inner thigh. Gently I take off her panties which leaves her completely naked. I took my time to undress myself while observing her naked body.

My god, she's definitly the most perfect human being I ever taste. I felt so lucky that I could make love to her. Every inch of her body just scream perfect. She makes me go crazy over her. How am I going to survive tonight? I might end up making love to her til morning. Why is she so hot?

Soon after I kissed her inner thigh, I gently spreads her legs and started to lick her private part. Slowly I taste her juice and nibbling her pussy's lips which makes her moaning in pleasure. It's so addicting to hear jennie's moan, it sounds so sexy, I love it when she's in a pleasure, it make me want to give her more. I took my time exploring and savouring her pussy with my tongue, I lick her pussy hole which makes her wetter. I was ready to put my finger in her. But I was worried that she might hurt since she's still a virgin.

So I came back to kiss jennie's lips while my other hand caressing her private part. "Honey I'll be gentle, just tell me if you want to stop" and jennie just nodded to my words. Slowly I put my index finger in her pussy which makes her gasps but she moans after feeling it. Shes holding onto my shoulder and her finger nails started to dig at the back of my shoulder, not just that she also sucking my neck leaving some purple marks. I put my finger deeper in her pussy and pull it out and continuesly repeating my moves. Jennie started to moan loud soon after I found her sensitive spot inside her pussy and it makes me eager to give her more. I added more fingers inside while sucking jennie's breast.

She was clearly enjoying it and I love watching her especially when she's cumming. Its HOT. The next few hours, I took a chance to explore her body, I couldn't stop cause, her sex appeal.. I can't resist! I don't know when will I ever be satisfied. I think I will never going to get tired savouring her body. By dawn, we ended sleeping cuddling to one another.

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